Kali Intelligence Suite (KIS) is an intelligence gathering and data mining tool for penetration testers. It shall aid in the fast, autonomous, central, and comprehensive collection of intelligence by automatically:
- executing Kali Linux tools (e.g., dnsrecon, gobuster, hydra, nmap, etc.)
- querying publicly available APIs (e.g., Censys.io, Haveibeenpwned.com, Hunter.io, Securitytrails.com, Shodan.io, etc.)
- sending data to third-party applications like Burp Suite Professional or Aquatone
- storing the collected data in a central PostgreSQL database (see next section)
- providing an interface to query and analyze the gathered intelligence
After the execution of each Kali Linux tool or querying APIs, KIS analyses the collected information and extracts as well as reports interesting information like newly identified user credentials, hosts/domains, TCP/UDP services, HTTP directories, etc. The extracted information is then internally stored in different PostgreSql database tables, which enables the continuous, structured enhancement and re-use of the collected intelligence by subsequently executed Kali Linux tools.
Additional features are:
pre-defined dependencies between Kali Linux tools ensure that relevant information like SNMP default community strings or default credentials is known to KIS before trying to access the respective services
remembering the execution status of each Kali Linux tool and API query ensures that already executed OS commands are not automatically executed again
data imports of scan results of external scanners like Masscan, Nessus, or Nmap
supporting the intelligence collection based on virtual hosts (vhost)
using a modular approach that allows the fast integration of new Kali Linux tools
parallel Kali Linux command execution by using a specifiable number of threads
enables users to kill Kali commands via the KIS user interface in case they take too long
access public APIs to enhance data with OSINT
The latest version of KIS is available at Docker.com. Follow the installation and update instructions there.
Information about manual installations can be obtained from the wiki page Installing KIS.
The following figure illustrates KIS' data and collection model. Thereby, each node represents a table in the rational database and each solid line between the nodes documents the corresponding relationship. The dashed directed graphs document based on which already collected intelligence (source node) KIS is able to collect further information (destination node). The labels of the directed graphs document the techniques used by KIS to perform the collection.
Scoping is an essential feature of KIS, which is important to know about in order to use KIS effectively.
Therefore, information about scoping can be obtained from the wiki page Scoping in KIS.
For a complete list of available collectors, refer to the wiki page KIS Collectors.
After the setup, the following KIS commands are available.
This script allows:
- setting up and testing KIS
- managing the database (re-creation, creating backups, restoring backups, etc.)
- creating workspaces, networks, host names, emails, companies, etc.
- importing Nmap, Nessus, and Masscan scan results
- defining the scope
Run the following command to obtain more information and examples:
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kismanage -h
In addition, refer to the wiki page
KIS Use Cases for some practical
examples on how to use kismanage
This script implements a commandline interface to collect the intelligence.
Run the following command to obtain more information and examples:
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kiscollect -h
In addition, refer to the wiki page
KIS Use Cases for some practical
examples on how to use kiscollect
This script allows the analysis of the collected data via various filtering options. Supported report formats are:
- Character-separated values (CSV): Export of the collected intelligence in the structured CSV format. This allows further processing via tools like grep, csvcut, or Aquatone
- Microsoft Excel: Export of all collected intelligence into a Microsoft Excel file.
- Text: Export of the collected raw text intelligence (e.g., text output of tool Nikto).
- Raw: Export of additionally collected files like JSON objects from APIs like Shodan.io, or certificate files.
Run the following command to obtain more information and examples:
docker exec -it kaliintelsuite kisreport -h
In addition, refer to the wiki page
KIS Use Cases for some practical
examples on how to use kisreport
Lukas Reiter (@chopicalquy) - Kali Intelligence Suite
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the license file for details.