Solidstate is an upgradeable-first Solidity smart contract development library.
It consists of the following packages:
package | description | π |
@solidstate/abi |
contract ABIs | π |
@solidstate/contracts |
core contracts | π |
@solidstate/library |
functions for interacting with and validating contracts | π |
@solidstate/spec |
portable tests which may be run against third-party implementations of core contracts | π |
Install dependencies via Yarn:
yarn install
Setup Husky to format code on commit:
yarn prepare
Compile contracts via Hardhat:
yarn run hardhat compile
Automatically upgrade dependencies with yarn-up:
yarn upgrade-dependencies
Test contracts with Hardhat and generate gas report using hardhat-gas-reporter
yarn run hardhat test
Generate a code coverage report using solidity-coverage
yarn run hardhat coverage
Publish packages via Lerna:
yarn lerna-publish