$ gem install t
$ t start
Starting work.
$ t stop
You just worked for 1 minute.
$ t today
You have worked for 1 minute today.
$ t week
You have worked for 1 minute since 2013-09-01.
8h=480m 16h=960m 24h=1440m 32h=1920m 40h=2400m
$ t all
2013-08-25 - 2013-08-31 2200 min
2013-09-01 - 2013-09-07 1758 min
8h=480m 16h=960m 24h=1440m 32h=1920m 40h=2400m
$ t path
$ t edit
(opens $EDITOR with the csv file)
Your data is stored in $HOME/.t.csv