Repo for CUMCM 2023 ProblemB
For problem, read ProblemB.
For analysis and solution, read our submitted report.
Due to personal preference, we use Python, R and Kotlin to solve this problem respectively.
Python: mainly for data processing and visualization
R: mainly for statistical analysis and comparison
Kotlin: mainly for algorithm implementation
Kotlin code is in LittleEtx/MatheContest2023
[python/curvature] 中所含代码用于计算海底某一深度等高线的曲率,求出等高线上曲率最小的点并进行可视化。
- 对数据进行插值,使数据密度增加
- 计算某一深度等高线的曲率,进行 2D 以及 3D 可视化
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