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SSAS Diagnostics Documentation Home

Jon Burchel edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 1 revision
†Note regarding SmartScreen warning on first run
The first time the utility runs a warning may appear that Windows protected your PC: SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running the app might put your PC at risk. This occurs because the executable is unsigned and was downloaded from the Internet zone. If you prefer you can clone the source code directly to open the solution in Visual Studio 2013 (or later) and build the executable directly yourself. Browse the source code and all its history through the Source Code tab.
To skip this warning, just click More Info on the dialog, and then Run Anyway. Thereafter the app will launch without this warning.

SmartScreen warning

SSAS Diagnostics Tool

The SSAS Diagnostics Collector (SSASDiag) is a simple and lightweight data collection utility with minimal dependencies. It is self explanatory and runs directly on any server to capture data from any release of Analysis Services after SQL 2005, for efficient subsequent review and analysis.

The tool provides two primary functions:

The Collection function allows collection of a range of key diagnostic data either through explicit selection or using a guided wizard based on the type of problem the server encounters.

SSAS Diagnostics Tool - Collection

The tool also provides built in Analysis for data collected. Currently there are two top priority analyzers provided: Network Traces analyzer reporting summary of details of errors or problems discovered. Profiler Trace Analyzer allowing in depth analysis, and automatic importation of traces to database for any range of subsequent investigation. This feature exposes 60 unique paths to analyze significant features in a trace for findings very difficult to obtain by any other method.

SSAS Diagnostics - Analysis