This project is an e-commerce platform built with modern technologies for a robust and scalable solution. The frontend is developed using Next.js, and the backend uses NestJS. The architecture follows a microservice pattern with Kafka for inter-service communication and MongoDB as the database. Payment integration is handled by Paymob.
Access Login Page:
- Navigate to the app to see a "Login" option in the navigation menu.
- Clicking "Login" directs to the login page with input fields for email/username and password.
Login as Authenticated User:
- Enter valid credentials to be authenticated and redirected to the homepage.
- Invalid credentials show an error message.
Redirect to Register Page:
- Attempting to access a protected page while not logged in redirects to the login page with an option to register.
- Clicking "Register" redirects to the registration page.
Reset Password:
- A "Forgot Password?" link on the login page directs to a password reset page.
- Submit email to receive a password reset link.
Register Using Personal Information:
- Fields for First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Company (optional), and Address on the registration page.
- After entering valid information and clicking "Register," a verification email is sent.
Receive Verification Email:
- Verification email contains a link to confirm registration and activate the account.
- Option to resend verification email if not received.
As a Guest User:
- View Featured Listings: Displayed prominently with product image, name, price, and rating.
- Explore Categories: Categories are clearly displayed; clicking a category shows relevant products.
- View Top Offers: Section dedicated to current offers and discounts.
As a Registered User:
- Do all the guest user features plus:
- Sign In / Sign Up: Clear options available on the homepage.
- Quick Access to Cart and Wishlist: Icons or links for cart and wishlist are visible.
- Save Favorite Items: "Add to Favorites" button available on each product listing.
View Profile Information:
- Profile page displays name, email, shipping address, and contact information with an option to edit.
View Order History:
- Section lists all previous orders with details such as order number, date, items purchased, total amount, and status.
Manage Payment Methods:
- Options to add, remove, or edit payment methods.
Update Password:
- Section to change password with verification steps for security.
View Saved Addresses:
- Display saved addresses with options to add or delete.
View and Manage Wishlist:
- Wishlist items displayed with options to add to cart or remove.
View and Manage Reviews:
- Section lists submitted reviews with options to edit or delete.
As a Registered User:
- View Cart Items: Display list of products with images, names, prices, quantities, and total prices.
- Update Quantity of Items: Input field or buttons to increase/decrease quantity.
- Remove Items from Cart: "Remove" button for each item.
- Apply Coupon Codes: Field to enter coupon codes.
- Proceed to Checkout: "Checkout" button to proceed with the process.
- Confirm and Place Order: "Place Order" button to complete the purchase.
As a Guest User:
- Add Items to Cart: "Add to Cart" button on each product listing.
- View and Edit Cart: Temporary cart created for the guest session.
- Convert to Registered User: "Create Account" or "Sign Up" option to merge guest cart with a new account.
View Product Details:
- Product page displays product name, description, images, price, availability, and specifications.
Add to Cart:
- "Add to Cart" button to add the product to the cart with default options.
Rent Product:
- "Rent" button with options for rental duration and pricing.
Customize Product:
- Customization options such as size, color, and material with dynamic price adjustments.
View and Add Reviews:
- Section to display existing reviews and add new ones.
Save for Later:
- "Save for Later" or "Add to Wishlist" button to save the product for future reference.
Share Product:
- Option to share the product with friends or on social media.
- Frontend: Next.js
- Backend: NestJS
- Database: MongoDB
- Message Broker: Kafka
- Payment Integration: Paymob