Minimal and responsive with a focus on typography, Vapor is a theme that embodies the core concept of Ghost—it fades into the background, bringing the focus to your content.
Supports blog and user images; cover images, while supported in the Ghost admin, are not displayed in the theme due to theme's minimal nature and focus on typography.
Fonts embedded via Google Fonts, including Roboto Slab, Merriweather, and Open Sans Condensed.
See sethlilly's original Vapor in action at Hipster Ghost.
This is my own mini-spin (some font and color changes) of the theme.
It can be seen in action at tanialog.
See the changelog for release details.
- 1.1.1 - 2013-10-30
- 1.1 - 2013-10-28
- 1.0 - 2013-10-18
Vapor is open source and released under the MIT License, and contributions to the code base are welcome and encouraged. Find more information about contributing here.
Copyright (c) 2013 Seth Lilly - Released under The MIT License.
Thanks to @JohnONolan for suggesting this project.
And of course, thanks to @JohnONolan, @ErisDS, and the Ghost team for creating this amazing platform.
The Ghost, Facbook, Twitter, and Google+ icons are from the Casper theme.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ghost Foundation - Released under The MIT License.