An open-source utility client base for making a minecraft client/mod as fast and easy as possible. This base only supports fabric api.
public class YourModule extends LegoModule {
public YourModule(Lego lego) {
super(lego, "YourModule", Category.RENDER, "Does something on your screen");
public class YourCommand extends LegoCommand {
public YourCommand(Lego lego) {
super(lego, "command", "Does something");
public void build(LiteralArgumentBuilder<CommandSource> builder) {
builder.executes(context -> { // execute immediately
// do something
Lego is the record class with all the necessary managers and the eventbus. It serves as an access point for all of them. Whenever you need a manager instance, you can do this:
// subscribe the listener class to the eventBus
lego.eventBus().subscribe(new ListenerClass());
// post the event to the eventBus.
lego.eventBus().post(new CustomEvent());
Using events within the listener classes
@Listener // for a regular listener
public void onEvent(CustomEvent event) { // the method MUST BE PUBLIC
// do something.
@SafeListener // for a nullsafe listener (the listeer that checks mc.player, and mc.interactionManager for being null)
public void onEvent(CustomEvent event) {
// do something.