This project has moved. The lovely people of Zendesk are now maintaining it at:
A simple library to connect your Ember.js application to JSON backends.
I've created a modified version of the todo application that the Ember.js Tutorial walks you through. This version persists the todo items on the server using a very small sinatra application and MongoDB.
We will provide you with some documentation and stuff, but for now here's a little inspiration:
Think about running This is the schema you would use:
Assuming that /users/1 returns this JSON:
id: 1,
name: "Mick Staugaard"
You would use this user model:
MyApp.User = Ember.Resource.define({
url: '/users',
schema: {
id: Number,
name: String,
blogs: {
type: Ember.ResourceCollection,
itemType: 'MyApp.Blog',
url: '/users/%@/blogs'
Assuming that /blogs/1 returns this JSON:
id: 1,
name: "My awesome blog",
owner_id: 1
You would use this blog model:
MyApp.Blog = Ember.Resource.define({
url: '/blogs'
schema: {
id: Number,
name: String,
owner: {
type: MyApp.User
posts: {
type: Ember.ResourceCollection,
itemType: 'MyApp.Post',
url: '/blogs/%@/posts'
Assuming that /posts/1 returns this JSON:
id: 1,
title: "Welcome to the blog",
body: "OMG I started a blog!",
blog_id: 1
You would use this post model:
MyApp.Post = Ember.Resource.define({
url: '/posts',
schema: {
id: Number,
title: Sting,
body: String,
blog: {
type: MyApp.Blog
comments: {
type: Ember.ResourceCollection,
itemType: 'MyApp.Comment',
url: '/posts/%@/comments'
Assuming that /comments/1 returns this JSON:
id: 1,
body: "I have something constructive to say.",
post_id: 1,
author: {
id: 2,
name: "Comment Author"
You would use this comment model:
MyApp.Comment = Ember.Resource.define({
url: '/comments',
schema: {
id: Number,
body: String,
post: {
type: MyApp.Post
author: {
type: MyApp.User,
nested: true
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.