Learn VHDL by example in a web browser (for Tufts ES 4 and EE 201)
Requires flask, flask-markdown, and gunicorn, install using pip:
pip install flask flask-markdown gunicorn
Must also have GHDL installed (not required when using docker).
Must also have docker installed. Will automatically pull/update image.
Make sure you have an appropriate deploy.config
and debug.config
before running deploy
and debug
, respectively.
Useful resources:
Pull the latest GHDL docker image using:
docker pull ghdl/ghdl:buster-gcc-8.3.0
Pass in files/folders to a docker container by doing:
docker run -v /local/path/to/folder:/container/path/to/folder <container> [command]
Automatically delete a container when finished by passing in --rm
docker run --rm <container> [command]
To run GHDL from docker, do:
docker run ghdl/ghdl:buster-gcc-8.3.0 ghdl <stuff>