- Sam Swift
- [email protected]
- https://swift.pw
I am a post-doc working with the Good Judgment Team based at UC Berkeley and UPenn on a forecasting tournament sponsored by IARPA. I graduated from CMU in May 2012 and am currently working from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke as a visiting scholar.
My research focuses on decision making, negotiation, and the ways that individuals stray from the strategies that would create the most value for their organizations and themselves.
As an academic, I believe strongly in the importance of open methodology. As an author of analysis code, I believe strongly in the importance of good version control. For these reasons I attempt to share publicly the full content of the data and analysis from my research projects.
Studies are identified by 3 or 4 letter codes. The following index should explain what the codes correspond to. Most of the analyses automatically pull data from http://samswift.org/data but you can also browse the data there which is organized with the same codes.
Don A Moore, Samuel A Swift, Zachariah S Sharek, Francesca Gino (2010). Correspondence Bias in Performance Evaluation: Why Grade Inflation Works. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (6) p.843-852
- SCSC3: Experiment 1
- SCSC2: Experiment 2
- ECB : Experiment 3
Swift SA, Moore DA, Sharek ZS, Gino F (2013). Inflated Applicants: Attribution Errors in Performance Evaluation by Professionals. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69258. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069258
- PECB : Study 1
- AOS : Study 2
- FSD : Study 3