remark is a tool that transforms Markdown with plugins。 This plugin is used to highlight syntax using Shiki in remark.
npm i -D remark-shiki-plugin
import fromMarkdown from 'remark-parse'
import { unified } from 'unified'
import ShikiRemarkPlugin from 'remark-shikiplugin'
const code = "```typescript\nconst hello = 'world';\n```"
import { unified } from 'unified'
.use(ShikiRemarkPlugin, {
theme: 'vitesse-light',
themes: ['vitesse-light', 'vitesse-dark'],
generateMultiCode: true
/* example use vitesse-ligh vitesse-dark */
/* query css */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
.shiki.vitesse-light {
display: none;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.shiki.vitesse-dark {
display: none;
/* or class */
html.dark .vitesse-light {
display: none;
html:not(.dark) .vitesse-dark {
display: none;
import fromMarkdown from 'remark-parse'
import { unified } from 'unified'
import ShikiRemarkPlugin from 'remark-shikiplugin'
const code = "```typescript ins={1,2} del={3}\nconst hello = 'world';\nconst aa = 123\n```"
import { unified } from 'unified'
.use(ShikiRemarkPlugin, {
theme: 'vitesse-light',
themes: ['vitesse-light', 'vitesse-dark'],
generateMultiCode: true,
highlightLines: true
Add these to your CSS
.shiki .del {
background: #471a2b;
.shiki .ins {
background: #1f3820;
.shiki .ins::before {
content: "+";
color: #69b072;
.shiki .del::before {
content: "-";
color: #bb909f;
Then you can highlight lines in code block.
const hello = 'world';
const aa = 123;
const bb = 123;
For example, if you want to display the title of a code block above it, you can customize the processing in a way that suits your needs.
import fromMarkdown from 'remark-parse'
import { unified } from 'unified'
import ShikiRemarkPlugin from 'remark-shikiplugin'
const code = "```typescript title='hello-world.ts'\nconst hello = 'world';\n```"
import { unified } from 'unified'
.use(ShikiRemarkPlugin, {
theme: 'vitesse-light',
customerHtmlHandle(code, html) {
const titleReg = /(?:\s|^)title\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)(?<!\\)\1/
const match = (code.meta || '').match(titleReg)
const [_, __, titleValue] = Array.from(match || [])
return `<figure><figcaption>${titleValue}</figcaption>${html}</figure>`
Then the generated output will look like this.
class="shiki vitesse-light"
style="background-color: #ffffff"
<span class="line">
<span style="color: #AB5959">const </span>
<span style="color: #B07D48">hello</span>
<span style="color: #AB5959"> = </span>
<span style="color: #B5695999">'</span>
<span style="color: #B56959">world</span>
<span style="color: #B5695999">'</span>
<span style="color: #999999">;</span>
The default export is ShikiRemarkPlugin
options extends shiki HighlighterOptions
Provide a custom highlighter
This configuration item means whether to generate multiple Codes, the type is boolean default value is false., when the value is true, please provide the themes configuration.
This configuration is used to determine whether you have enabled the highlighted line mode, the type is boolean default value is false.
这个配置用来自定义处理生成出来的 HTML,某些场景可能需要更近一步的方式来处理生成处的内容。可以传递一个方法来自定义的处理函数类型是 (code: Code, shikiGenHtml: string, theme: IThemeRegistration) => string
然后返回处理之后的 HTML
This configuration is used to customize the processing of the generated HTML. In some scenarios, a more advanced approach may be needed to process the generated content. You can pass a method to customize the processing function, type is (code: Code, shikiGenHtml: string, theme: IThemeRegistration) => string
then return the processed HTML.
In the description of shiki,there are two ways to support dark mode. The second way is to Generate two Shiki code blocks, one for each theme. So this plugin is designed to generate multiple code blocks.