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This is a Quick-Start for ArgoRollouts

this enables you to quickly deploy argo-Rollouts & rollout-manager and Dashboard via a Helm Chart

to use the helm chart you can use it dirctly from the or pull it to your local station(Working on Openshift)

helm pull oci://

in the value file here is the major keys:

Key Value Description
replicaCount 1 Number of replicas for the rollouts-manager deployment
image.registry Registry where the image is hosted
image.repository openshiftdemos Repository of the image rollouts-terminal-tooling Name of the image
image.pullPolicy Always Pull policy for the image
image.tag 1.11 Tag of the image
imagePullSecrets [] Secrets for pulling the image
nameOverride "" Override for the Helm chart name
fullnameOverride "" Override for the full name of resources
serviceAccount.create true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.annotations {} Annotations to add to the service account rollouts-manager Name of the service account
service.type ClusterIP Type of service
service.port 3100 Port for the service
service.portName 3100-tcp Name of the service port
route.enabled true Whether to create an OpenShift route
route.clusterDomain apps-crc.testing Cluster domain for the OpenShift route
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy Redirect Edge termination policy for TLS
route.tls.termination edge TLS termination policy for the route
resources {} Resource requests and limits for the deployment
nodeSelector {} Node selector for the deployment
tolerations [] Tolerations for the deployment
affinity {} Affinity settings for the deployment
podAnnotations {} Annotations for the deployment pods
podSecurityContext {} Security context for the deployment pods
securityContext {} Security context for the containers in the deployment

Under exmaples there is a tested and working example of a blue-green rollout deployment

under examples/blugreen/base

oc apply -k examples/blugreen/base
yq -i '.spec.template.spec.containers[].image |= sub(":.*", ":<<new_color>>") examples/blugreen/base/rollout.yaml'

deploy both Rollout-Manager and the Blue-Green to the same K8S namespace.

change the image tag to the following colors to test how the rollout works.

  1. blue (default)
  2. green
  3. orange
  4. purple
  5. yellow


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