Arduino code for LOGICDATA protocol and remote handset hacking for automated standing desk
(LogicData data sheet can be found here)
Based on the great work of mtfurlan and phord
- Preset low / high position by clicking up and down buttons simulataniously - audio feedback provided for successful storing of position. Last direciton in which the table moved defines if the high or low position is storred.
- Double tap up / down buttons to go to the high / low preset position
Currently works with an Arduino Uno or Nano because it requires 5v logic.
- DIN 7 connector - Make sure to get the 7 pins
- Some header wires
- Optional Piezo Buzzer
- Soldering iron - or borrow from a friend
- Arduino Nano
- Take note of the following diagram - it represents the pins when looking at the connector from the back (where you would need to solder the wires)
You will need to wire +5V, Ground, HS1, HS2 and RxD.
Cut one end of the wires and solder onto the DIN7 connector
Optionally, use epoxy glue to make sure the soldering holds
Wire the board according to the mapping that can be found in pins.h
The easiest way to upload the code is to open it in the Arduino IDE and flash it onto the board.
Use a 3D printer to print a case Models are available in the box folder