Pytorch_Fanatics is a Python library for ease of Computer Vision tasks.This contains a bunch of various tools which will help to create customized codes to train CV models.
###This library includes:
- Dataset class
- LRFinder
- EarlyStopping
- Trainer
- Logger
Use the package manager pip to install pytorch_fanatics.
pip install pytorch_fanatics
1)Dataset Class
from pytorch_fanatics.dataloader import Cloader
Cloader(image_path,targets,resize,transforms) # returns {'image':tensor_image,'target':tensor_labels}
#Use it to load images and labels
from pytorch_fanatics.utils import LRFinder
lr_finder=LRFinder(model,train_dataloader,optimizer,device,initial_lr,final_lr,beta) #Create a object
lr_finder.find() #To find the lr
lr_finder.plot() #To plot the graph (Loss V/S lr)
#Use this only after training the model with all layers (except the last) freezed.
from pytorch_fanatics.utils import EarlyStop
es=EarlyStop(patience=7, mode="max", delta=0.0001) #Create a object
es(epoch_score, model, path)
if es.early_stop=True:
es.reset() # to reset
from pytorch_fanatics.trainer import Trainer
Trainer.train(model,data_loader,optimizer,device) # trains the model
#Use the score to feed for earlystop if used
#plot=True specifies live plot b/w (training and validation) vs num_epochs
Trainer.predict(model,data_loader,device) # returns probability of classes
Trainer.get_log() #returns a DataFrame object of logs
from pytorch_fanatics.logger import Logger,optimizer,scheduler,path) # saves model,optimizer and schedulers
#To load:
checkpoint=Logger.load(path) #returns a dictionary
#Helps keep track of training.It will restart from where it had stopped.
NOTE(Regarding model)
class Resnet18(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Resnet18, self).__init__()
self.base_model =timm.create_model('resnet18',pretrained=True,num_classes=1)
def forward(self, image, targets):
batch_size, _, _, _ = image.shape
out = self.base_model(image)
loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(out, targets.view(-1, 1).type_as(out))
return out, loss
#Since every loss function has its own format of inputs,To generalise I have created this model.Use this model(edit if required) if you are #using Trainer/LRFinder.For others your simple model will also work fine..
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.