Experiment ZMQ to replace CORBA in Tango CS
- Get Czmq from its web site (http://czmq.zeromq.org/) and compile it
- Get zmq as well (obvious)
There are only few files in this project:
- clnt.c which simulates a client
- svr.c which simulates a server
- Makefile which has to be adapted to your setup
To run the example, start three server processes
- One with 9000 (port number) as argument
- Another one with 9001 as argument
- The last one with 9002 as argument
Then start the client which does the following:
- Connect the client router ZMQ socket used for synchronous communication to the three servers
- Connect the client router ZMQ socket used for asynchronous communication to the three servers
- Send two messages to server 9001 asynchronously. Each request sent to server 9001 needs 1 second to be executed
- Send one synchronous message to server 9000 with a timeout of 3 seconds. Each request sent to server 9000 or 9002 needs 4 seconds to be executed. Therefore, this request timed out
- Send one synchronous message to server 9002 with a timeout of 5 seconds.
- Read the asynchronous requests answers
Define a Tango protocol (in ABNF) with at least: request id obj id (uniq in DS, in CS?) method name request type protocol release data
Implement all Tango::DevVarXXXArray type Similar interface - Similar memory management
Implement a CORBA::string_dup/string_free/string_alloc methods
Implement a dummy (?) CORBA::Any object (used in Pogo generated code for commands) in order to provide compatibility
omnithread library compatibility (C++11 ?) thread class (detached and undetached) oomni_mutex, omni_mutex_lock, omni_condition variable
Manage TANGO_HOST definition like "orion:10000,orion:11000"
Implement something like ORBtraceLevel, ORBtraceFile, ORBtraceTime, ORBtraceThreadId Is Tango logging adequate?
Select a serialiation lib: No lib Google protbuf capnproto Messagepack
Implement a kind of "is_a" method for all devices in order to manage interface changes with time
Define a TOR (Tango Object Reference) stored in DB in order to build object connection How are we going to manage DS on host with several NIC boards?
Select which kind of container used in DS in which we will store the device object pointer (vector, map,...) Choose the object_id coherent with choice
Try to implement things in a way we could easily replace ZMQ by something else (nanomsg...)
Can we write it using C++11 features?
Is it possible to remove event heartbeat by using XPUB in server (instead of PUB) and monitor socket API in client?
Possible to replace DevString (char *) with C++ string?
Collocated calls?
Device server with user event loop
DS command line option to start DS on a specific port (like ORBendPoint)
A scavanger thread to close unused connections (Think of DB server)
Choose string encoding (LATIN-1 / UTF 8). Support several ?