Releases: terrafx/
Releases · terrafx/
What's Changed
- Fixing up the docs and the test/Directory.Build.props by @tannergooding in #1
- Updates dependencies to the latest version, enables sourcelink, and removes the Unmanaged attribute. by @tannergooding in #2
- Multi-target netstandard2.0 by @tannergooding in #3
- Commenting out methods on ITypeComp and ITypeInfo since they are blocking the .NET Native Compiler by @tannergooding in #4
- Updating dependencies and adding NuGet publishing support. by @tannergooding in #5
- Fixing CI links and updating dependencies. by @tannergooding in #6
- Updating dependencies and the .NET SDK by @tannergooding in #7
- Updating the version to 10.0.15063 to match the Windows sources by @tannergooding in #8
- Removing dependency on TerraFX.Utilities by @tannergooding in #9
- Updating dependencies to the netcoreapp3.0 stable bits. by @tannergooding in #10
- Cleaning up various code to make it more consistent with the other interop libraries. by @tannergooding in #11
- Splitting TerraFX.Interop.Windows into several projects by @tannergooding in #12
- Generating bindings for WinGdi and WinUser by @tannergooding in #13
- Added constants from hidusage.h by @nathan-alden-sr in #14
- Porting um\d3d11.h from the Windows SDK for Windows 10.0.15063.0 by @tannergooding in #15
- Updating the version to 10.0.18362.0 by @tannergooding in #16
- Generating bindings for the rest of D3D11 by @tannergooding in #17
- Switching to use pool.vmImage rather than by @tannergooding in #18
- Adding response files for all the auto-generated libraries by @tannergooding in #21
- Adding response files for TerraFX.Interop.Kernel32 by @tannergooding in #22
- Generating bindings for the majority of d3dx12.h by @tannergooding in #19
- Mapped d2d1helper.h and most of d2d1_1helper.h by @nathan-alden-sr in #20
- Cleaning up and finalizing the d2d1*helper bindings by @tannergooding in #23
- Upgrading projects to netcoreapp3.1 by @tannergooding in #24
- Adding the generation folder to the solution by @tannergooding in #25
- Adding minimal wrappers for the opaque handle types. by @tannergooding in #26
- Generation file and wrapper type cleanup by @tannergooding in #27
- Porting more defines for WinBase, synchapi, winnt, and winerror by @tannergooding in #28
- Updating Microsoft.NET.Compilers.Toolset and Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 16.5.0 Preview 1 by @tannergooding in #29
- Retarget to the .NET 5 and C# 9 preview bits by @tannergooding in #30
- Target an explicit netcoreapp5.0 version and multitarget netcoreapp3.1 by @tannergooding in #33
- Generating bindings for um/Xinput.h from Windows SDK for Windows 10.0.18362.0 by @tannergooding in #34
- Generating bindings for Ole32 by @tannergooding in #35
- Update to target .NET 5 Preview 2 by @tannergooding in #36
- Generating bindings for WinTrust by @nathan-alden-sr in #37
- Added HANDLE mappings by @nathan-alden-sr in #38
- Generating SoftPub bindings by @nathan-alden-sr in #39
- Added missing #defines by @nathan-alden-sr in #40
- Fixed namespaces and class declarations by @nathan-alden-sr in #41
- Mapped nearly all #defines in winerror.h by @nathan-alden-sr in #43
- Generating sysinfoapi and winnt bindings by @nathan-alden-sr in #44
- Generating bindings for hidclass.h and hidpi.h by @nathan-alden-sr in #47
- Generating bindings for ioapiset.h, fileapi.h, SetupAPI.h, and hidsdi.h (and some dependencies) by @nathan-alden-sr in #50
- Manual IO reparse macro mappings by @nathan-alden-sr in #54
- Security bindings by @nathan-alden-sr in #59
- Fix compiler messages in sample projects by @IngmarBitter in #53
- Creating bindings for winnt.h by @nathan-alden-sr in #56
- winnt.h cleanup by @nathan-alden-sr in #60
- WinForms sample project: hello triangle by @IngmarBitter in #52
- unchecked operations to avoid overflow exceptions by @nathan-alden-sr in #66
- Updating the repo to use .NET 5.0 by @tannergooding in #69
- Updating the bindings to 10.0.19041.0 by @tannergooding in #73
- Cleaning up various *.Manual.cs files to use nint and nuint by @tannergooding in #74
- Add DXCAPI by @john-h-k in #75
- HelloConstBuffer ported form C++ DirectX-Graphics-Samples by @IngmarBitter in #65
- HelloTexture ported from C++ DirectX-Graphics-Samples by @IngmarBitter in #67
- HelloBundles ported from C++ DirectX-Graphics-Samples by @IngmarBitter in #71
- Added missing macro by @nathan-alden-sr in #76
- Adding minimal powershell support for running ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator by @tannergooding in #78
- Generating bindings for dxcore, dxcomp, xaudio, xapo, x3daudio, and friends by @tannergooding in #79
- Add extended DXC interface by @john-h-k in #77
- Generating bindings for um/DirectML by @tannergooding in #81
- Regenerating bindings using function pointers by @tannergooding in #82
- Removing explicit VTBLs, fixing a few other issues found, and adding basic sanity tests for record types by @tannergooding in #84
- Adding a third-party-notices file by @tannergooding in #85
- Fixing other/dxc/dxcapi to use the correct VTBL indices by @tannergooding in #86
- Ensure tests are regenerated by default by @tannergooding in #87
- Generating bindings for um/sapi.h by @tannergooding in #89
- Upgrade to .NET 5 Preview 5 by @tannergooding in #90
- Add DXDIAG API from WinSDK by @john-h-k in #88
- Generating bindings for much of the media foundation APIs by @tannergooding in #91
- Upgrading to .NET 5 Preview 6 by @tannergooding in #92
- Add DxProgrammableCapture.h from the Windows SDK by @john-h-k in #93
- Add by @reflectronic in #94
- Add CoreWindow.h, MemoryBuffer.h, robuffer.h by @reflectronic in #96
- Add by @reflectronic in #99
- Add inspectable.h, hstring.h, winstring.h by @reflectronic in https://...