Releases: terrafx/
Releases · terrafx/
What's Changed
- Apply various code style cleanups and improvements by @tannergooding in #401
- Generate bindings for um/ahadmin, um/http, um/httpserv, um/httptrace, and um/wpframework by @tannergooding in #402
- Add Presentation.h and PresentationTypes.h (Win11 Composition Swapchain API) by @rickbrew in #403
- Fix Presentation header by @rickbrew in #404
Full Changelog: v10.0.26100.1...v10.0.26100.2
What's Changed
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #397
- Fix the alignment of the CD3DX12_PIPELINE_STATE_STREAM_* structs and add support for .NET 9 by @tannergooding in #400
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #397
Full Changelog: v10.0.26100...v10.0.26100.1
What's Changed
- Ensure NativeMemory.Copy passes parameters in the correct order by @tannergooding in #384
- Temporarily turn off EnforceCodeStyleInBuild by @tannergooding in #390
- [BUG] Fix uninitialized D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER flags field by @paulbartrum in #389
- Regenerating bindings for v10.0.26100.0 and v1.614.0 by @tannergooding in #392
New Contributors
- @paulbartrum made their first contribution in #389
Full Changelog: v10.0.22621.5...v10.0.26100
What's Changed
- Add a Pointer type to improve the WinRT bindings where possible by @tannergooding in #381
Full Changelog: v10.0.22621.4...v10.0.22621.5
What's Changed
- Update the repo to target .NET 8 and take advantage of new language/interop features by @tannergooding in #361
- Update ci.yml to use .NET 8 SDK by @tannergooding in #362
- Regenerating bindings using the latest version of ClangSharp (v17.0.0) by @tannergooding in #363
- Fix an issue with string escaping by @tannergooding in #364
- Rearrange the files coming from the D3D12 Agility SDK by @tannergooding in #365
- Updating d3d12 and d3dx12 bindings to v1.611.2 by @tannergooding in #366
- Updating d3d12 and d3dx12 bindings to v1.611.2 by @tannergooding in #368
- Add a temporary obsolete attribute to help users identify where a break might exist by @tannergooding in #369
- Revert "Add a temporary obsolete attribute to help users identify where a break might exist" by @tannergooding in #370
- Generating bindings for D3D9 by @tannergooding in #371
- Remove various manually handled 32-bit support by @tannergooding in #372
- Fix the typing of some DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT values by @tannergooding in #373
- Cover some d3dx12 types that require manual porting by @tannergooding in #374
- Generate bindings for um/PropIdl and um/propvarutil by @tannergooding in #375
- Generate bindings for shared/strsafe by @tannergooding in #376
- Add initial set of Windows Runtime APIs from ABI headers by @reflectronic in #176
- Add missing xml doc comments by @tannergooding in #377
- Add missing SupportedOSPlatform attributes by @tannergooding in #378
- Generating bindings for a large portion of winrt by @tannergooding in #379
- Remove a couple WinRT types that cause heavy conflicts and have a 1-to-1 with a builtin BCL type by @tannergooding in #380
Full Changelog: v10.0.22621.2...v10.0.22621.4
What's Changed
- Update TerraFX.Interop.Windows to support trimming the
call by @tannergooding in #341 - Don't use NativeLibrary.Load unnecessarily by @tannergooding in #343
- Add missing
flags by @DaZombieKiller in #351 - Remove accidentally merged tests by @tannergooding in #353
- Generating bindings for um/dinput.h by @tannergooding in #346
- Removing various nodes from the XML documentation to reduce size by @tannergooding in #354
- Generating bindings for um/CommDlg, um/icm, and um/wcsplugin by @tannergooding in #355
Full Changelog: v10.0.22621.1...v10.0.22621.2
What's Changed
- Updating repo infrastructure to support .NET 7 RC2 by @tannergooding in #335
- [BUG] Fix null check in SetDpiCompensatedEffectInput by @rickbrew in #338
- Adding support for code-signing by @tannergooding in #339
- Fixing the yaml to ensure signing has the correct permissions by @tannergooding in #340
Full Changelog: v10.0.22621.0...v10.0.22621.1
What's Changed
- Updating bindings to v10.0.22621.0 by @tannergooding in #327
- Ensure the repo can build against .NET 7 RC1 by @tannergooding in #330
- Updating actions to their latest versions by @tannergooding in #331
- Updating the projects to support .NET 7 by @tannergooding in #332
- Regenerating bindings using latest ClangSharp and microsoft/DirectX-Headers tag v1.606.4 by @tannergooding in #333
Full Changelog: v10.0.22000...v10.0.22621.0
What's Changed
- Updating the projects to support .NET 7 by @tannergooding in #332
Full Changelog: v10.0.20348.3...v10.0.20348.4
What's Changed
- Updating bindings to v10.0.22621.0 by @tannergooding in #327
Full Changelog: v10.0.22000...v10.0.22621.0-rc2