My name is Thắng. I'm a graduate at University of Science and I have expertise in data and AI field and I'd like to apply my skills to solve real-life problems. I hope to make a great journey in this career!
I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects to help me understand more about the mechanics behind projects.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Data Engineering and AI projects to have some practical knowledge in this field.
My skills
1. Data preprocessing: this is one of my best skills so far. You'll see in my repositories that I had many projects that concentrated on data preprocessing. I studied carefully how to handle with data: check and filling missing values, feature engineer data, etc.
2. Machine Learning: Most problems I encountered so far is in tabular form. Therefore, I applied machine learning for tabular data.
3. Data Engineering: I learned about data pipelines, containerization and cloud services.
You can check out my repositories for more details!