This application is responsible for searching into media providers (such as YouTube, Spotify, etc) based on query string.
This is a small part of a bigger private personal project.
We are using Docker with the scripts-to-rule-them-all idea, so we
have a set of scripts inside script
folder that should cover all development needs:
$ script/setup # builds application
$ script/server # runs application
$ script/update # keeps application up to date
$ script/test # run tests of the application
$ script/lint # runs lint tool on application
$ script/quality # runs quality tool on application (CodeClimate)
$ script/bash # access bash into container
flowchart TD
ENDPOINT["Search Endpoint"]
FACTORY{Media Provider Factory}
YT_PROVIDER[Youtube Provider]
SF_PROVIDER[Spotify Provider]
subgraph External
YT_API(Youtube Data API)
SF_API(Spotify Web API)
USER -->|"[REST] provider + term"| ENDPOINT
FACTORY -->|When provider is YouTube| YT_PROVIDER
FACTORY -->|When provider is Spotify| SF_PROVIDER
YT_PROVIDER -->|"[REST] term + api-key"| YT_API
SF_PROVIDER -->|"[REST] term + api-key"| SF_API
- core: Domains and business logics decoupled from tools/frameworks.
- infrastructure: Infrastructure setup such as data providers, external connections and overall configuration.
- presentation: Entrypoint with routing, controllers and REST API framework.
The reason to use this architecture is to get the base idea of Clean Architecture separating core and infrastructure layers in order to keep separation of concerns and maintainability frequency separated (CCP - Common Closure Principle). Since it is a very small service with a few routes, the idea is to keep the presentation layer as the simple one being very close to the use case calling (layer with business logic).
"code": "X4bgXH3sJ2Q",
"title": "Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Official Video)",
"thumbnail": "",
"time": 0
"code": "BrrO2q9VwRM",
"title": "Best Of Iron Maiden - Greatest Hits full Album - Vol. 04",
"thumbnail": "",
"time": 0
"code": "0eV3PB3T0OxW4feG1DlOjQ",
"title": "HammerFall - Hearts on Fire",
"thumbnail": "",
"time": 0
"code": "18cs5UrDMRFyU74Mfdagwf",
"title": "HammerFall - The Way of the Warrior",
"thumbnail": "",
"time": 0
For questions or inquiries, please contact Thauã Silveira at [email protected].