My declarative, reproducible system built using Lix.
If you set up a new machine you should probably generate a new SSH key.
Put your age keys here:
vim /home/thomas/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
To rebuild the system:
nixos-rebuild switch --flake . --use-remote-sudo
To rebuild a remote system locally, and deploy it:
nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#coprin --target-host [email protected] --use-remote-sudo
If you imported age keys, just login to retrieve your shell history:
atuin login
atuin sync
Just open Obsidian, login and sync everything including community plugins and settings (Active community plugin list
and Installed community plugins
options). Wait for the end of the synchronization, and restart the app.
Connect your machine to your Tailscale network and authenticate in your browser:
sudo tailscale up
In Dolphin (or somewhere else), use smb://user@ip
to connect to a remote SMB share.
Optimize the Nix store by hard linking duplicate binaries:
nix-store --optimise
The Nix store accumulates entries which are no longer useful. They can be deleted:
nix-store --gc
Delete all generations older than a specific period (e.g. 30 days):
nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 30d
- (localsend) LocalSend can't receive files when dns0 is enabled.
- (coprin/dolphin) Some UI elements (especially in Dolphin) are not displayed in french.
- (librewolf)
privacy.resistFingerprinting = true
prevents media upload and Leboncoin login from working.
These would be nice to have.
- I would like to install the Ophirofox extension, which is not available on the Mozilla store.
These are not fully integrated yet.
- SDDM doesn't offer a keyboard layout selection, which is very annoying for non-US keyboard users. SDDM should be incubated into Plasma at some point.
- Pinned favorites in kickoff menu is not supported by
- Introduction to Nix and NixOS by Wil T
- I got some inspiration from geraldwuhoo
- NixOS Secrets Management by EmergentMind
- Flakes + Home Manager Multiuser/Multihost Configuration by Chris McDonough