Personal Awesome List Project Welcome to the Personal Awesome List Project, a meticulously curated compilation of invaluable links designed to assist you in mastering software development. This repository offers a wealth of resources to support your learning journey, stay abreast of industry updates, inspire project creation, and provide an array of tools and utilities to streamline your workflow.
Included in our diverse selection are:
- In-depth tutorials and guides
- Cutting-edge research articles and blog posts
- Inspiring real-world project examples
- Time-saving tools and utilities
- And much more!
We encourage and appreciate community involvement! If you'd like to contribute to this ever-growing repository, suggest new resources, or simply provide feedback, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Together, we can make this resource hub an indispensable asset for software developers around the world!
- Table of Contents
- AI
- API learning materials
- Awesome lists
- BEM learning materials
- Coding practice
- Computer Science Degree
- Cool articles
- Cool Websites
- CSS learning materials
- CSS cool libraries
- Deploy applications
- Free Coding Bootcamps
- General learning materials
- Git learning materials
- Guides
- HTML learning materials
- Interview preparation
- JavaScript learning materials
- Job searching
- Miscellaneous
- Object oriented programming
- Open Source
- Portfolio ideas
- Preparation for job
- Productivity tools
- Projects ideas
- Programming games
- Programming learning materials
- React learning materials
- Responsive design
- Solidity learning materials
- Useful libraries
- WEB3 learning materials
- Tools and Utilities
- Tutorials
- Tools for study
- bugsura
- magicstudio
- theresanaiforthat
- smodin
- firejet
- codium
- draxlr
- ora
- interactwith
- tutorai
- arcktic
- wiki.mutable
- promptand
- appweaver
- doks
- flowgpt
- The Odin Project
- Full Stack open
- App Academy open
- freeCodeCamp
- CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
- Open Bootcamp
- Web Skills
- Zero to Mastery free resources for developers
- What is Localhost?
- Learning how to learn
- thevalleyofcode
- Conventional commits
- How to Write Good Git Commit Messages
- Git command explorer
- Git concepts
- Git pro
- Keys to a well written README
- How to create a load more button in React
- How to Write Good API Documentation
- How to debug Node.js apps in Visual Studio Code
- Oh Shit, Git!?!
- GitHub automatico
- learn to code for free
- Front End developer interview questions
- Front End developer interview questions GitHub list
- hackerrank
- bigfrontend
- greatfrontend
- frontendlead
- devskiller
- Digital resume
- Remote jobs
- Awesome Italia Remote
- TrueUp
- Remote jobs websites list
- Hired
- Remote Ok
- Blazar Group
- swissdevjobs
- wellfound
- neboolar
- Notion website
- Full Stack Productivity Timer App
- 100+ Project Ideas
- Chat Application
- Real-Time Order Book Application
- Full stack projects
- Front end projects
- dribble
- awwwards
- Patterns
- Refactoring and design patterns
- realtoughcandy
- Websites to Learn to Code for Free
- 9 Best Software Architecture Patterns
- semver
Screen Size Map Compares viewport sizes in device‑independent pixel to plan responsive and fluid layouts for great UX / UI designs in websites or digital products
- Yandex Map Constructor
- Normalize.css
- Online API Testing
- Background gradient
- JSLinux
- CodePen
- Liveweave
- API for testing
- Replit
- Wireframe
- AI trading assistant
- JS Bin javascript console
- Frontend build config generator
- Prettier code formatter
- gitignore
- Micro terminal based editor
- Material design terminal
- Pomodoro timer
- Icon and style library
- Color picker
- Color names picker
- Color palette generator
- LaTeX document preparation system
- Responsively
- LogRocket Logging tool
- Time tracking
- Devtooly
- GitHub Résumé
- EdrawMind
- Color Contrast Checker
- cdnjs
- Flexbox Properties Demonstration
- Adobe Color Wheel
- Dash API documentazione
- Best course Finder
- Browser info
- CSS safe fonts
- Lighthouse Treemap
- coolors
- HTML color codes
- keybr
- regexr
- heroicons
- Python Tutor
- Miro blackboard
- Jamboard
- Daily Dev
- Lucidchart
- diffchecker
- Obsidian
- dropmail
- fleet
- robohash
- Toptal utility tools
- json crack
- wireflow
- whimsical
- commitlint
- Gemfury
- mockturtle
- slid
- robboat
- mswjs
- cheatsh
- mermaid
- codeimage
- hygraph
- easyretro
- json-generator
- kodezi
- turndown
- echarts
- markprompt
- raycast
- rectangleapp
- getkap
- passkeys
- curiosity
- knexjs
- openlayers
- nango
- rive
- create.t3
- mojs
- jsonapi
- mentimeter
- react-graph-gallery
- tremor
- autoprefixer
- d3js
- idx
- nextui
- tailwindui
- ikonate
- unused-css
- spline
- getpixelsnap
- mswjs
- drawkit
- undraw
- shapedivider
- appetize
- relume
- sshx
- pullpo
- bit
- tailscan
- yellowlab
- hackreels
- ree
- orbstack
- useflytrap
- copyui
- snyk
- stylex
- watermelontools
- authkit
- react.keepdesign
- html-to-jsx
- userway
- sql-formatter
- gitbrain
- tsdocs
- singleapi
- builder
- preline
- outerbase
- basedash
- rely
- commoditypriceapi
- clickvote
- submitjson
- brewed
- lefthook
- ifranodus
- digger
- lazygit
- reactcosmos
- dnote
- zed
- nvchad
- reacttotron
- twenty
- fakerapi
- cva
- clone-ui
- bump
- crowdtranslate
- altairgraphql
- frulow
- hexcolor
- verto
- yesicon
- gitbutler
- xtaapp
- screengrab
- animaapp
- grafbase
- bugsnag
- mdedit
- githistory
- snippify
- pieces
- aceternity
- react-aria
- commitmono
- acreom
- snippet
- kokua
- hoji
- codeedit
- fakend
- codemate
- flyde
- jsoncrack
- pullnotifier
- terminaltrove
- getsavvy
- AutoPrompt
- wheretohostmy
- digger
- raycast
- infield
- plandex
- meticulous
- hubql
- docsify
- ohmygit
- wolframalpha