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Electron File Explorer

A file explorer built using Electron (formerly Atom Shell), with React + Flux. Download for OSX Download for Windows



  • Browse through directories and open files.
  • Navigate to previous directories using the "Back" button.
  • Easily add your favorite directories to the sidebar.
  • Easily customizable via Javascript + Sass

Quick start

The only development dependency of this project is Node.js. So just make sure you have it installed. Then type few commands known to every Node developer...

git clone
cd electron-file-explorer
npm install
npm start

Structure of the project

There are two package.json files:

1. For development

Sits on path: electron-file-explorer/package.json. Here you declare dependencies for the development environment and build scripts. This file is not distributed with real application!

Also here you declare wersion of Electron runtime you want to use:

"devDependencies": {
  "electron-prebuilt": "^0.24.0"

2. For the application

Sits on path: electron-file-explorer/app/package.json. This is real manifest of the application. Declare the app dependencies here.

Project's folders

  • app - code of your application goes here.
  • config - place for you to declare environment specific stuff.
  • build - in this folder lands built, runnable application.
  • releases - ready for distribution installers will land here.
  • resources - resources for particular operating system.
  • tasks - build and development environment scripts.

Notes for Development

Module loader

How about splitting your JavaScript code into modules? This project supports it by new ES6 syntax (thanks to esperanto). ES6 modules are translated into AMD (RequireJS) modules. The main advantage of this setup is that you can use ES6/RequireJS for your own modules, and at the same time have normal access to node's require() to obtain stuff from npm.

// Modules you write are required through new ES6 syntax
// (It will be translated into AMD definition).
import myOwnModule from './my_own_module';
// Node.js (npm) modules are required the same way as always
// (so you can still access all the goodness in npm).
var moment = require('moment');