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Sun Keyboard Protocol

hasu@tmk edited this page Feb 15, 2025 · 46 revisions

TMK SUN-USB Converter

Prebuilt converter is available here:

Source code



Modern Type 4 and 5 keyboards uses 8Pin mini DIN.

   ___ ___
  /  |_|  \
 / 8  7  6 \
| 5    4  3 |
 \_ 2   1 _/

Pin mini DIN        MCU
1   GND             GND
2   GND             GND
3   5V
4   Mouse RX/TX     PD4
5   Keyboard RX     PD2
6   Keyboard TX     PD3
7   GND             GND
8   5V              VCC

For ATmega32U4 you will have to use other pin than PD4 for Mouse pin.


Signal: Asynchronous, Negative logic, 1200baud, No Flow control

Frame format:

1-Start bit, 8-Data bits, No-Parity, 1-Stop bit

0      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___      
1 ____/   \___X___X___X___X___X___X___X___\_______
        S   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   S

AVR USART engine expects positive logic while Sun keyboard signal is negative. To use AVR UART engine you need external inverter in front of RX and TX pin. Otherwise you can use software serial to communicate the keyboard.

This firmware uses software serial by default, so you don't need any inverter. It can be still built with 'make HARDWARE_SERIAL=y' to enable hardware serial if you have inverter. You can use 74LS04 for example.

Commands From System To Keyboard

0x01 Reset
        Keyboard responds with following byte sequence:
        Success: 0xFF 0x04
        Fail:    0x7E 0x01
0x02 Bell On
0x03 Bell Off
0x0A Click On
0x0B Click Off
0x0E LED
        followed by LED status byte:
        bit: 3       2       1       0
        LED: CapsLk  ScrLk   Compose NumLk
0x0F Layout(DIP switch)
        Keyboard responds with 0xFE 0xXX
        bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        DIP: x 2 3 4 5 6 7 8(DIP-SW1 is always 0 on Type-5)
  • Type-5 keyboard including SHORT TYPE at least starts sending key events without Reset command.
  • SHORT TYPE KEYBOARD has no DIP switch and replies fixed value 0x22 as layout.

Commands From Keyboard To System

0xFF sent after power up
0x7F Idle(no keys are pressed)
0xFE Layout(DIP switch) Response
0xFF 0x04 Reset Response(success)
0x7E 0x01 Reset Response(failure)

Mouse Protocol

Signal: Asynchronous, Negative logic, 1200baud, No Flow control

Frame format:

1-Start bit, 8-Data bits, No-Parity, 1-Stop bit

0      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___      
1 ____/   \___X___X___X___X___X___X___X___\_______
        S   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   S

Data Format:

Bit  |  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Byte1|  1  0  0  0  0  L  M  R
Byte2| x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0
Byte3| y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y0
Byte4| X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
Byte5| Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0

X/Y indicates movement recorded after x/y movement occured. In the end you can get total mouse movement by adding like x+X/y+Y.

Sun mouse protcol is compatible with MouseSystems 5-byte mouse protocol.

Confirmed with ball mouse COMPACT 1 model made by Logitech(FCCID:DZLNSUN1).

3-byte format

Tadpole Sparcbook 3GX uses 3-byte format. It is a laptop computer with integrated pointing device. TMK converter won't support this format.

Bit  |  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Byte1|  1  x  0  0  1  L  M  R
Byte2| x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0
Byte3| y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y0

Mouse support in TMK Sun Converter

The converter revision 2.8 or later has mouse suport.

For revision 2.7 or sooner you have to conect two pads with small wire like this pic.

Scan codes


,-------.  ,---,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.   ,-----------. ,---------------.
|  76   |  | 0F|  | 05| 06| 08| 0A| | 0C| 0E| 10| 11| | 12| 07| 09| 0B|   | 16| 17| 15| | 2D| 02| 04| 30|
`-------'  `---'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'   `-----------' `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
| 01| 03|  | 1D| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 58| 2A|  | 2C| 34| 60| | 62| 2E| 2F| 47|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |------------ |---------------|
| 19| 1A|  |  35 | 36| 37| 38| 39| 3A| 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| 3F| 40| 41| 2B  |  | 42| 4A| 7B| | 44| 45| 46|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------| 7D|
| 31| 33|  |  4C  | 4D| 4E| 4F| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57|+58| 59 |                | 5B| 5C| 5D|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
| 48| 49|  | 63 |+7C| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 6C| 6D|*6F|  6E  |      | 14|     | 70| 71| 72|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------| 5A|
| 5F| 61|  | 77 | 13| 78 |*73 |       79         |*74 |*75| 7A | 43| 0D|  | 18| 1B| 1C| |   5E  | 32|   |
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'

,-------.  ,---,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.   ,-----------. ,---------------.
|  Help |  |   |  | F1| F2| F3| F4| | F5| F6| F7| F8| | F9|F10|F11|F12|   |PrS|ScL|Pau| |Mut|VoD|VoU|Pwr|
`-------'  `---'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'   `-----------' `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
|Stp|Agn|  |Esc|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|  \|  `|  |Ins|Hom|PgU| |NmL|  /|  *|  -|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |------------ |---------------|
|Prp|Und|  |Tab  |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Bspc|  |Del|End|PgD| |  7|  8|  9|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------|  +|
|Frt|Cpy|  |Ctrl  |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|  Return|                |  4|  5|  6|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
|Opn|Pst|  |Shft| +\|  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /| RO| Shift|      | 14|     |  1|  2|  3|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------|Ent|
|Fnd|Cut|  |Caps|Alt|Gui |MHEN|      Space       |HENK|KAN| Gui|App|Alt|  | 18| 1B| 1C| |     0 |  .|   |
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'


,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------.
| 01| 03|  | 05| 06|     08|     0A|     0C|     0E|     10| 11| 12| 2B|  | 15| 16| 17|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| 19| 1A|  | 1D| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 58| 2A|  | 2D| 2E| 2F|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| 31| 33|  |  35 | 36| 37| 38| 39| 3A| 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| 3F| 40| 41| 42  |  | 44| 45| 46|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| 48| 49|  |  4C  | 4D| 4E| 4F| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57|   59   |  | 5B| 5C| 5D|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| 5F| 61|  |   63   | 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 6C| 6D|    6E| 6F|  | 70| 71| 72|
`-------'  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------'
           | 77 | 78  |               79                  | 7A  |   13 |

,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------.
| L1| L2|  | F1| F2|   F3  |   F4  |   F5  |   F6  |   F7  | F8| F9| BS|  | R1| R2| R3|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| L3| L4|  |Esc|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|  \|  `|  | R4| R5| R6|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| L5| L6|  | Tab |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Del |  | R7| R8| R9|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| L7| L8|  | Ctrl |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '| Return |  |R10|R11|R12|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------|
| L9|L10|  | Shift  |  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /| Shift| LF|  |R13|R14|R15|
`-------'  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------'
           |Caps| Left|             Space                 |Right|  Alt |


,---,  ,-----------------.,-----------. ,---.   ,-----------.
| 01|  |05|06|08|0A|0C|0E|| 61| 49| 33| | 30|   | 2C| 34| 60|
`---'  |10|11|12|07|09|0B|`-----------' `---'   | 42| 4A| 7B|
       `-----------------'                      `-----------'
| 1D| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 58| 2A|
|  35 | 36| 37| 38| 39| 3A| 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| 3F| 40| 41| 2B  |
|  4C  | 4D| 4E| 4F| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57|   59   |
| 63 |+7C| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 6C| 6D| 0D|14| 6E|
|  77  | 13   | 78|        79       | 7A| 43| 62| 18||1B| 1C|

,---,  ,-----------------.,-----------. ,---.   ,-----------.
|Stp|  |F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6||Cut|Pst|Cpy| |Pwr|   |Ins|Hom|PgU|
`---'  |F7|F8|F9|10|11|12|`-----------' `---'   |Del|End|PgD|
       `-----------------'                      `-----------'
|Esc|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|  \|  `| 
|Tab  |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Bspc|
|Ctrl  |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|  Return|
|Shft| +\|  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|Alt|Up|Shf|
|Caps  |Alt   |Met|      Space      |Met|Cmp|Num|Lft||Dn|Rig|


Not compatible to Sun computers.

,-------.  ,----,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.                ,---------------.
|  76   |  | 1D |  | 05| 06| 08| 0A| | 0C| 0E| 10| 11| | 12| 07| 09| 0B|                | 15| 16| 17| 62|
`-------'  `----'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'                `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
| 01| 03|  | 2A| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 58| 42|  | 02| 04| 0F| | 2D| 2E| 2F| 47|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |------------ |---------------|
| 19| 1A|  |  35 | 36| 37| 38| 39| 3A| 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| 3F| 40| 41| 2B  |  | 14| 18| 1B| | 44| 45| 46|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------| 7D|
| 31| 33|  |  4C  | 4D| 4E| 4F| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57|   59   |                | 5B| 5C| 5D|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
| 48| 49|  | 63 |+7C| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 6C| 6D|  6E  | 6F|      | 34|     | 70| 71| 72|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------| 5A|
| 5F| 61|  | 77 | 13| 78 |    |       79         |    |   | 7A | 43| 0D|  | 73| 74| 75| |   5E  | 32|   |  
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'

,-------.  ,----,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.                ,---------------.
| Help  |  |ESC |  | F1| F2| F3| F4| | F5| F6| F7| F8| | F9|F10|F11|F12|                |Pau|PrS|ScL|NmL|
`-------'  `----'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'                `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
|Stp|Agn|  |  `|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|  \|Del|  |Ins|Hom|PgU| |  =|  /|  *|  -| 
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |-----------| |---------------|
|Prp|Und|  |Tab  |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Bspc|  |Del|End|PgD| |  7|  8|  9|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------|  +| 
|Frt|Cpy|  |Ctrl  |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|  Return|                |  4|  5|  6|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
|Opn|Pst|  |Shft| +\|  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /| Shift| LF|      | Up|     |  1|  2|  3|   |  
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------|Ent|
|Fnd|Cut|  |Caps|Alt|Meta|    |      Space       |    |   |Meta|Cmp|Alt|  |Lef|Dow|Rig| |      0|  .|   |  
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'

Layout ID

DIP-SW configures Layout ID returned to Layout command(0x0F).

bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DIP: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
     0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0(0x22 Unix Layout)

UNIX Layout keyboard should be configured as 0x22 with DIP-SW. Otherwise, \ key is not registered and some keys are swapped.

N860-8701-T110 with DIP-SW: 00000000

,-------.  ,---,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.   ,-----------. ,---------------.
|  76   |  |-1D|  | 05| 06| 08| 0A| | 0C| 0E| 10| 11| | 12| 07| 09| 0B|   | 16| 17| 15| | 2D| 02| 04| 30|
`-------'  `---'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'   `-----------' `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
| 01| 03|  |-2A| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29|-xx|-2B|  | 2C| 34| 60| | 62| 2E| 2F| 47|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |------------ |---------------|
| 19| 1A|  |  35 | 36| 37| 38| 39| 3A| 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| 3F| 40| 41| -58 |  | 42| 4A| 7B| | 44| 45| 46|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------| 7D|
| 31| 33|  | -77  | 4D| 4E| 4F| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57|   59   |                | 5B| 5C| 5D|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
| 48| 49|  |   63   | 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 6C| 6D|  6E      |      | 14|     | 70| 71| 72|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------| 5A|
| 5F| 61|  | -4C  | 13| 78|           79                   | 7A| 43| 0D|  | 18| 1B| 1C| |   5E  | 32|   |
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'

,-------.  ,---,  ,---------------. ,---------------. ,---------------.   ,-----------. ,---------------.
|  Help |  |   |  | F1| F2| F3| F4| | F5| F6| F7| F8| | F9|F10|F11|F12|   |PrS|ScL|Pau| |Mut|VoD|VoU|Pwr|
`-------'  `---'  `---------------' `---------------' `---------------'   `-----------' `---------------'
,-------.  ,-----------------------------------------------------------.  ,-----------. ,---------------.
|Stp|Agn|  |Esc|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|  \|  `|  |Ins|Hom|PgU| |NmL|  /|  *|  -|
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  |------------ |---------------|
|Prp|Und|  | Tab |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Bspc|  |Del|End|PgD| |  7|  8|  9|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  `-----------' |-----------|  +|
|Frt|Cpy|  | Ctrl |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '| Return |                |  4|  5|  6|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|      ,---.     |-----------|---|
|Opn|Pst|  | Shift |  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|    Shift  |      | 14|     |  1|  2|  3|   |
|-------|  |-----------------------------------------------------------|  .-----------. |-----------|Ent|
|Fnd|Cut|  |Caps  |Alt| ◆ |          Space                 | ◆ |Com|Alt|  | 18| 1B| 1C| |     0 |  .|   |
`-------'  `-----------------------------------------------------------'  `-----------' `---------------'
  • different scan codes: -

\ is not registered with other than Layout 22h


SPARC Keyboard Specification

Sun keyboard to USB Converter

Type 3



mouse converter

SUN Type5 keyboard USB converter

with Japanese layout support

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