Author: Trevor Murphy Contact: [email protected]
This command line tool dumps your Dolphin TAS Movie files to a plain text list of input data (plus a header file).
$ dtm2text YOUR_MOVIE
# creates YOUR_MOVIE_header and YOUR_MOVIE_inputs.txt
Alternatively, you can piece together some plain text lists (plus a header file) into a DTM.
$ text2dtm NEW_MOVIE header_file inputs.txt
# creates NEW_MOVIE
# you can supply several files of inputs
$ text2dtm NEW_MOVIE header_file inputs_01.txt inputs_02.txt
# if you have lots of input files, you can supply a from-file instead
$ cat inputs_from_file
$ text2dtm NEW_MOVIE header_file @inputs_from_file
Python 3. Probably not a hard requirement, I just haven’t tested this tool with any earlier versions.
Just use pip!
$ pip install dtm2text
Distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.