The goal of this project was to create a JavaFX application that programatically solves, and visualises mazes, as a means to improve my skills with Java and JavaFX. It was also to help me improve my skills using various data structures and error handling.
These commands need to be run in the /src directory.
To run the program,
javac --module-path ./lib/ --add-modules=javafx.controls
java --module-path ./lib/ --add-modules=javafx.controls MazeApplication
To run the tests,
- Starting tile is coloured green.
- End tile is coloured red.
- Tiles not stepped through are coloured white.
- Borders are coloured black.
- Tiles stepped through but not part of final route are coloured grey.
- You can change colour of tiles part of the final route through the dropdown menu.
You can save the state of your half-solved maze so that you can load it again and pickup where you left off at another time.