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QBF Solver Evaluator

This tool is a solver for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) in prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) in the QDIMACS format. This tool contains functionality for the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) and Conflict Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) backtracking algorithms with optimisation techniques. Solver configuration is customisable.

See - Dissertation


This tool is written in Rust. You can download the latest version of the Rust compiler here, alternatively you can follow the instructions in the rust docs. The tool is written as a rust crate so no static binaries are created. To build the tool use cargo build --release then run the tool using cargo run --release.


The input QBF file format should be in QDIMACS file format. The Output is the result Satisfiable or Unsatisfiable when running the solver on an individual instance. When running the solver on a benchmark of instances, a output file is produced containing statistical data and results. No command line paramters are required as the configuration of the solver is determined from the config.json file.

    "RunBenchmark": false,
    "BenchmarkPath": "./benchmarks/samples",
    "InstancePath": "./benchmarks/samples/example.qdimacs",
    "OutputFileName": "instance-results",
    "SolverOptions": {
        "SolverType": "CDCL",
        "LiteralSelection": "VSS",
        "Preprocess": true,
        "UniversalReduction": true,
        "PureLiteralDeletion": true,
        "Restarts": true,
        "PreResolution": false,
        "PreResolutionConfig": {
            "min_ratio": 0.25,
            "max_ratio": 0.5,
            "max_clause_length": "infinity",
            "repeat_above": 3,
            "iterations": 1

RunBenchmark: Determines whether the solver should be run on a directory of QBF instances or a singular QBF instance.

BenchmarkPath: The directory path to the folder containing the benchmark instances to be solved.

InstancePath: The file path to the instance to be solved.

OutputFileName: The name given to the output file containing the results from the execution of the solver on a benchmark.

SolverType: The core solving algorithm to be used - either DPLL or CDCL.

LiteralSelection: The literal selection method to be used - either VSS or Ordered.

Preprocess, UniversalReduction, PureLiteralDeletion, Restarts, PreResolution: Options to determine whether to use the repective optimisation in the solver.

PreResolutionConfig: Contains the hyperparameters used when performing pre-resolution.

min_ratio, max_ratio: The lower and upper bound on how many resolved clauses to add to the clause database.

max_clause_length: The maximum clause length allowed to be added to the clause database after pre-resolution.

repeat_above: Repeats resolution for a given literal if the recently resolved clause is above a certain length.

iterations: Determines how many pre-resolution iterations to perform.


QBF Solver Evaluator with dissertation






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