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Distributivity completion (#152)
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* Methods for completing a lattice to a distributive lattice

* fixed boring imports
  • Loading branch information
hirthjo authored Feb 11, 2025
1 parent 8b5844e commit 3f2deb8
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions src/main/clojure/conexp/fca/distributivity.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
;; Copyright ⓒ the conexp-clj developers; all rights reserved.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns conexp.fca.distributivity
"Methods to complete a lattice or context to the a distributive
(:require [conexp.base :refer :all]
[conexp.fca.contexts :refer :all]
[conexp.fca.implications :refer :all]
[clojure.set :refer [difference union subset? intersection]]))

(defn birkhoff-downset-completion
"Returns the downset birkhoff completion of a formal context.
(G,M,I) -> (G,M U J(G),I U {(g1,g2) in G x J(G) | not g1''>= g2'' })."
(let [irreducible-objects (-> ctx reduce-objects objects)]
(assert (empty? (intersection (attributes ctx) irreducible-objects)) "Object and Attribute sets should be disjoint")
(make-context (objects ctx)
(union (attributes ctx) irreducible-objects)
(union (incidence-relation ctx)
(set-of [g1 g2] [g1 (objects ctx), g2 irreducible-objects
(not (subset? (context-object-closure ctx #{g2})
(context-object-closure ctx #{g1})))]) )) ))

(defn birkhoff-upset-completion
"Returns the downset birkhoff completion of a formal context.
(G,M,I) -> (G U M(M), M,I U {(m1,m2) in M x M(M) | not m1''>= m2'' })."
(-> ctx dual-context birkhoff-downset-completion dual-context))

(defmulti non-distributive-proper-premises
"Returns the set of proper premises that contradict the distributivity property."
(fn [thing _] thing))

(defmethod non-distributive-proper-premises :attributes
[_ ctx]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(filter (fn [A] (<= 2 (count A)))
(proper-premises ctx)) )

(defmethod non-distributive-proper-premises :objects
[_ ctx]
(->> ctx dual-context
(non-distributive-proper-premises :attributes)) )

(defmulti proper-premise-height
"Returns the number of super-concepts of the premise."
(fn [thing _ _] thing))

(defmethod proper-premise-height :objects
[_ ctx premise]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(let [exts (extents ctx)]
(->> exts
(filter #(subset? premise %1))
count) ))

(defmethod proper-premise-height :attributes
[_ ctx premise]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(let [ints (intents ctx)]
(->> ints
(filter #(subset? premise %1))
count) ))

(defmulti proper-premise-support
"Returns the number of super-concepts of the premise."
(fn [thing _ _] thing))

(defmethod proper-premise-support :objects
[_ ctx premise]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(support premise (dual-context ctx)) )

(defmethod proper-premise-support :attributes
[_ ctx premise]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(support premise (dual-context ctx)) )

(defmulti truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion
(fn [ctx order amount] order))

(defmethod truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion :height
[ctx _ amount]
(truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion ctx
(fn [proper-premise] (proper-premise-height :objects ctx proper-premise))
amount) )

(defmethod truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion :support
[ctx _ amount]
(truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion ctx
(fn [proper-premise] (proper-premise-support :objects ctx proper-premise))
amount) )

(defmethod truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion :default
[ctx order-fn amount]
(assert (context-reduced? ctx) "The context must be reduced")
(let [premises (-> ctx dual-context proper-premises )
non-distributive (filter (fn [A] (not= 1 (count A)))
removed (->> non-distributive
(sort-by order-fn > )
(take amount))
truncated-premise-set (difference (set premises)
(set removed))
truncated-implication-set (map (fn [premise] (make-implication premise
(context-object-closure ctx premise)))
truncated-closure-system (->> truncated-implication-set
(all-closed-sets (objects ctx)))
unreduced-completion (make-context (objects ctx)
(fn [g m] (contains? m g)))]
(make-context (objects ctx)
(union (attributes ctx)
(-> unreduced-completion reduce-context attributes))
(union (incidence-relation ctx)
(incidence-relation unreduced-completion))) ))

(defn truncated-birkhoff-upset-completion
[ctx order-fn amount]
(-> ctx dual-context
(truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion order-fn amount)
dual-context) )

(defn truncated-birkhoff-upset-comption-by-implications
[ctx imps & {:keys [clarify] :or {clarify false}}]
(let [L (->> imps clop-by-implications (all-closed-sets (attributes ctx)))
JL (-> L (make-context (attributes ctx) contains?)
ctxJL (make-context (into (objects ctx) (objects JL))
(attributes ctx)
(into (incidence-relation ctx)
(incidence-relation JL)))
clarify-JL (filter (fn [o] (if (coll? o)
(not (some (fn [g] (= (object-derivation ctx #{g})
(object-derivation JL #{o})))
(objects ctx)))
true)) (objects ctxJL))]
(if clarify
(make-context clarify-JL
(attributes ctxJL)
(incidence-relation ctxJL))
ctxJL ) ) )

(defn truncated-birkhoff-downset-comption-by-implications
[ctx imps & args]
(-> ctx dual-context
(truncated-birkhoff-upset-comption-by-implications imps args)
dual-context) )

(defn truncated-birkhoff-upset-completion
(let [P (proper-premise-implications ctx)
truncated-imps (filter (fn [i] (let [p (premise i)]
(or (= 1 (count p))
(= (attributes ctx) (context-attribute-closure ctx p)))))
(truncated-birkhoff-upset-comption-by-implications ctx truncated-imps) ) )

(defn truncated-birkhoff-downset-completion
(-> ctx dual-context truncated-birkhoff-upset-completion dual-context) )

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