A Ruby library for exporting Twitter user profile information. Currently supports Twitter Lists and web pages with links to twitter users. The information is saved to CSV file.
- Download or clone this repository
- Create an app at dev.twitter.com
- On the app details page (https://dev.twitter.com/apps/yourappid/show), click the "Create my access token" button
- Copy the Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token, Access Token secret and put them in the config/app.yml.example
- Rename config/app.yml.example to config/app.yml
With a command line
$ cd twexport
$ irb
1.9.3p392 :001 > require './lib/twexport'
To export a Twitter List, use a combination of username and list name
twexport = Twexport::TwitterList.new(:screen_name => "twitter", :list_slug => "team")
or use a list id
twexport = Twexport::TwitterList.new(:list_id => 2031945)
To export information for users listed in a web page
twexport = Twexport::WebPage.new("http://techcrunch.com/about/")