A feature-rich viewer for Treedoc implemented with VueJS and typescript. Treedoc is an abstraction for all the tree-structured document formats such as JSON, YAML, XML. This viewer has built-in support of JSON/JSONex, YAML and XML. It provides an easy way to plugin any other format by implementing the ParserPlugin interface.
- Three views: Source, Tree and Table and they are toggleable
- Flexible navigation
- Back/forward navigation between tree nodes
- Support breadcrumb view of the node path for easy navigation to parent nodes
- Navigation through $ref node as defined in OpenAPI or Google Discovery Service
- Navigation is synchronized between tree view and table view
- Treeview
- Support expand / collapse one level or all levels.
- Tree is also embedded in table views
- Table view (Based on vue2-datatable-component)
- Expand attributes for the child nodes as table columns
- Support column filtering and sorting
- Support pagination
- Support column selection
- Source View (Based on CodeMirror)
- Syntax source highlighting
- Synchronized highlighting in the source code when navigating through nodes
- Support multiple file formats
- different sources of the document: open local file, open URL or copy/paste
- Auto-detect format to choose the right parser
- Buildin Support following formats
- JSONex format (extension of JSON) (Based on treedoc)
text protobuf
which is support by JSONex parser- Custom format such as java
, javaLombok.toString
text format.csv
(space-separated values)XML
,Compact XML
, include multiple document format
- Plugable parser, so that more format can be easily added.
- Implemented as VueJS component, so it's easy to be reused in different applications
yarn add treedoc-viewer
// main.js
import TreedocViewer from 'treedoc-viewer'
In public/index.html
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
In component template
<json-tree-table :data='jsonData'>
If you are not using VueJs or don't want to introduce heavy dependencies, you can use embedded mode either through iframe or open a new window (tab)
<iframe id='tdvFrame' src="https://www.treedoc.org?embeddedId=tdv_1" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
function setJttData(target, data) {
target.postMessage({type:'tdv-setData', data}, '*');
setTimeout(() => setJttData(frame, {message:"after timeout"}), 1000);
For a working example, please refer to sample/embedded.html in github repo.
yarn install
yarn serve
Copyright 2019-2020 Jianwu Chen
Author/Developer: Jianwu Chen
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.