An API built with Rails that stores name authority records with corresponding local metadata.
See also
Postgres DB: latest Ruby: latest
If you don't already have postgres installed, make sure to do that. On Macs you can install postgres with the following command:
brew install postgresql
Next, make sure the postgres server is running. On Macs you can check the status of the database with the command:
brew services
If postgresql is not running then start it with:
brew services start postgresql
Make sure you have a DB user called "posgres" that can be used to run the app. On Macs you can use the following command:
`` createuser --superuser postgres
## Creating records with MARC files
### Option 1: Use the API controller
Use curl to upload files to a running instance of the application
curl -F "marc_file=@spec/fixtures/marc/louis_armstrong.mrc"
### Option 2: Use the rake task
Individual file
rake db:ingest[spec/fixtures/marc/louis_armstrong.mrc]
File directory
rake db:ingest[spec/fixtures/marc]
## API Documentation
This API uses [Rswag]( to generate swagger documentation.
Use Swagger tests in spec/requests to describe and test the API operations. Run the `bundle exec rails rswag` command to generate and update the swagger.yaml file based on the tests. Do not update the swagger.yaml file directly.