Create an env file
- az_environment defines name of the environment (used for naming resources in Azure)
- az_aks_node_count defines number of nodes in the AKS cluster
Run ansible-playbook play_setup_aks.yml -e @env/<name of the env file>
Applying all manifests into an environment
- Run
ansible-playbook play_apply_manifests.yml -e @env/dev.yml
Applying a specific manifest into an environment
- Run
ansible-playbook play_apply_manifests.yml -e @env/dev.yml -e service=<filename without .yml postfix>
Certificates are added as kubernetes secrets by running kubectl create secret generic <secret name> --from-file=<filename with path>
These are defined in a secret called admin-us-ps where the password is defined with key 'passwrod.txt' and username with key 'username.txt'
Node cookie is defined in a ConfigMap called emqx-config under key cookie
Certain realtime feed URLs are hidden because they contain authentication info. These can be found in feed-urls ConfigMap where each city has its own key
haproxy config file is defined in a ConfigMap named haproxy-config. The file itself also resides here) in this repository. New ConfigMap, with hash postfix name, can be generated by running kubectl apply -k roles/aks-apply/files/assets/haproxy-dev