Build minimal docker with nginx and Let's Encrypt certificates which are managed by certbot and renewed according to crontab schedule. Use it for web site and frontend applications.
- Builds docker image based on nginx:alpine
- Installs cert-bot with necessary dependencies
- Runs docker container
- Retrieves Let's Encrypt certificates
- Renews certificates periodically
- Nginx config, certificates, and site data persists on a host file system
- Support of multiple domains and sites
Edit enginx.conf file by adding as many server blocks as many domains/subdomains you need.
server {
listen 80;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html/example;
index index.html;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
# This location is for cert bot chalanage
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
root /usr/share/nginx/html/certbot;
Change values of server_name and root directives for each domain/subdomain.
Configuration of bash script is very straight forward. First six lines define values for variables that are used later on in the script.
domains - you should define the array of domains. Each domain has to be separated by the space.
email - defining your email is strongly recommend. It will be used in case Let's Encrypt decides to notify you regarding issues with your certificates.
staging - is used to define which Let's Encrypt enviroment to use. 0 means production, 1 means development environment. Please use 1 in case you testing this script otherwise you risk hitting the limit of allowed renewals.
docker_user (optional) - in case you would like to reuse the image later on by pushing it to docker hub.
image_name - it is just the docker image name that will be built using instructions in Dockerfile. You can change it to any name you'd like.
Install docker first:
curl -fsSL -o
Create image and run docker:
chmod +x
After you will run the docker container three persistent folders will be created:
./nginx - folder with actual nginx default.conf file that is used by nginx inside a running container. This folder is mapped to /etc/nginx/conf.d folder inside your docker container.
./www - this folder is dedicated to your website or frontend application data. This folder is mapped to /usr/share/nginx/html folder inside your docker container.
./letsencrypt - folder for Let's Encrypt data including your certificates. This folder is mapped to /etc/letsencrypt folder inside your docker container.
I left plenty of comments inside script and Dockerfile, so feel free to play change, and improve. Just do not forget to share your improvements with me :)