This is a very work-in-progress Uiua backend web framework.
Templating is done with tag functions. A tag function is passed a list of attributes and children.
The !
macro makes it easy to define attributes.
~ "git:" ~ ! Html Head Body P Br H₁ Title Meta Style
Html {
Head {
Title "Example"
Meta {!charset "utf-8"}
Style {!href "style.css"}
Body {
H₁ "Webua Example"
P "This is a simple example of Webua templating."
Br {}
You can use normal Uiua primitives to fill out data.
~ "git:" ~ Div H₁ Ul Li
$Users {"Alice" "Bob" "Carol"}
Div {
H₁ "Users"
Ul ⍚Li
## "<div><h1>Users</h1><ul><li>Alice</li><li>Bob</li><li>Carol</li></ul></div>"
Server routing is implemented by passing a router function to the Serve! macro. See the examples for how to do this.