This repository contains the components of the Keycloak App for the UCS Appcenter.
The app uses Keycloak to provide a SAML and OpenID Connect provider.
The docker image used in the app is keycloak, provided by RedHat.
- Keycloak comes with a Realm
by default. - Additionally the UCS Keycloak App creates a realm
- This Keycloak App is configured to use "User Federation" in the Keycloak Realm named "UCS".
- The "User Federation" configured in the
to bind to OpenLDAP. - The "User Federation" is configured to not sync user accounts from LDAP to Keycloak.
- Keycloak automatically acts as SAML IdP. For each SP (SAML or OIDC) a "Client" configuration needs to be created
in Keycloak.
- In its initial version, the Keycloak App creates a "Client" for the UMC on the FQDN of the host which it is installed on.
- Keycloak can be configured to federate out to other IdPs. If several authentication sources are possible,
e.g. a "User federation" and two external IdPs then Keycloak will show a login page to the user, where the user
needs to select the method. There are ways to preselect (either hardcode in Keycloak config or pass
with the login URL). Keycloak will not iterate over possible authentication sources. Names may need to get mapped to ensure uniqueness. See Keycloak docs for details.
TODO: Anything special to explain here?
The app can be configured with app settings.
To integrate other services, they often require URIs for the identity provider endpoints, they are available at https://ucs-sso-ng.$(hostname -d)/.well-known/openid-configuration
TODO: Update the following statement, probably outdated with the change from keycloak.$(hostname -f)
to ucs-sso-ng.$(hostname -d)
The apache2 reverse proxy config is at /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/keycloak/config/vhost.conf
and there are some UCR variables apache2/vhosts/.*
set autoamtically during join via the joinscript /usr/lib/univention-install/50keycloak.inst
installed on the host (uploaded to the provider-portal as app/inst ).
See app/ for app center integration files and https://docs.software-univention.de/app-center/5.0/en/configurations.html#installation-scripts
- The "univention-authenticator" Keycloak SPI is an extension written in Java.
- It is shipped as part of the UCS Keycloak App, but not configured by default.
- If configured properly (TODO: details pending) it allows creating a "shadow user account" in UDM after successful authentication against an external IdP (see page 13 of the Summit presentation.
For latest version of the documentation, see Univention Keycloak app documentation
- Test, pipelines, releases, tips & tricks - docs-dev/README-testing-release.md
- Legacy app authorization - docs-dev/README-appauth.md
- Themes and templates - docs-dev/README-themes-template.md