The Document builder uses MKDocs. In order to get things running and working as expected, we need to do a few things
The easiest way to get things up and running on a more contained system, is to use virtual enviroments. To do this, simply run this command.
python3 -m venv /path/to/docs/appfit-sdk-docs/venv
In order to get MKDocs to build and generate things, we need to install the theme we want to use. Currently we are using the matieral theme, so lets get that installed using our new virtual environment
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Once you have the theme installed, everything shuold be good to go, and all that is left is to run mkdocs and start viewing the documentation.
venv/bin/mkdocs serve
To deploy the docs, we need to generate them, this is as simple as running
venv/bin/mkdocs build
This will generate all of the static files you can use to deploy to your hosting provider.