All the scripts were designed to be executed from within the Google Cloud Shell
Once there, you can clone the entire repository as follow:
git clone
It's important to have one Billing Acount activated, otherwise all the proccess will fail.
Please update the following variables in the mstakx.config file, located in the scripts folder, prior to its execution, otherwise the creation is likely to fail due to Google maintains unique project IDs.
Variable used to create a project within Google Cloud Platform. Project IDs must start with a lowercase letter and can have lowercase ASCII letters, digits or hyphens. Project IDs must be between 6 and 30 characters.
Variable used in the creation of the cluster, this is the cluster's name that will be set on the Kubernetes Engine page.
Variable used in the creation of the cluster, this property will set the closest region for the United Kingdom in this case europe-west2. Please refer to Regions and Zones for further information.
If the creation of the project and cluster went right, you will need to open up 3 terminal sessions more. Make sure to disable Tmux integration.
The script will tell you the proper entries you need to create in your hosts file in order to reach and pages.
Once you had been checked out the previous sections, now you are able to execute the script, located in the scripts folder.
To delete the project and cluster execute the script, located in the scripts folder.
Details are documented in the