The URI RSS Reader plugin displays an RSS news feed via a shortcode.
This is a bug fix release that adds cache busting to the css and js files.
Paste the shortcode into a page to display the news feed.
The url of the rss feed.
default: null
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url=""]
How many posts to display.
default: 20
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" display="5"]
Any posts to exclude from display.
default: null
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" exclude="{first_url}, {second_url}"]
Cache time-out.
default: 1 hour
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" cache="30 minutes"]
Display the excerpt.
default: true
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" include_excerpt="false"]
Display the date.
default: true
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" include_date="false"]
Display the thumbnail image.
default: true
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" include_image="false"]
Choose a display style: "default" or "ticker".
Note: The "ticker" style doesn't display the date or excerpt. It only displays 3 items.
default: "default"
Ex: [uri-rss-reader url="{url}" style="ticker"]
URI RSS Reader Plugin
An RSS reader plugin that displays a news feed via shortcode.
Contributors: Alexandra Gauss
Tags: plugins
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.7.2
Stable tag: 1.2.1