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Version 2021, based on FastAPI, an easy-to-use web app developed upon Starlette Framework


  • python 3.6+ (for static typing check)
  • pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
    • fastapi, uvicorn, python-dotenv, python-multipart, websockets, etc
  • idea/pycharm (recommended) + venv


The web application is based on onion style~


The directory structure is:

  • app: logics for your application, includes as entry of user modules
    • handler: controllers
    • middleware: router middleware, like cors
    • model: basic data models and internal logics
    • service: external logics (to users)
  • cfg: config of different envs
  • core: low level libraries and logics, includes as entry of core modules, better make it able to be reused in other projects
    • handler
    • lib: shortcut apis for user to build logics
    • model
    • service
      • trans: transaction service, for managing tasks running in background
  • misc: misc parts, like build, test scripts, etc
    • build: build scripts
    • dev: resources for dev usage
      • a script for generating codes
    • doc: docs
    • test: test scripts
  • main entry, init uvicorn and start fastapi app
  • requirements.txt: py package requirements

Quick Start

Launch App Server

Run ./ to start the example, which includes:

  • core modules: health check handler, basic models, transaction service
  • cors middleware configured with wildcard *
  • test handlers, models and service: simulates a simple market trade system with products and customers
    • examples of websocket and upload file are also included in test handlers

The internal steps are:

  • ./ loads the configs inside ./cfg/{env} on cmd args, then calls to start fastapi app at ./app/
  • in ./app/, core modules and user handlers/models/services are loaded at startup event of fastapi app

You can put your launch scripts inside ./misc/build for your different launch options

Coding Guide

To build your logic, common steps are follows:

  • ./ runs server in dev environment in default, in which hot-reload is enabled
  • add handlers in ./app/handler, add corresponding import & APP.include_router codes in ./app/
  • add data models in ./app/model, add services in ./app/service
  • add middlewares in ./app/middleware if necessary

Some tips for coding:

  • GET /docs to test the routers on web page
  • Avoid using coroutines (async def functions), as it may block the main evtloop, so that other requests are not handled in time. def functions will be invoked in different threads
  • codes of ./core should be shareable (for other projects), codes of ./app should fit with current project
  • You can use ./misc/dev/ to generate template codes for handlers, models & services. Exec it with working directory as project root directory
  • Code models based on pydantic.BaseModel, it's powerful

HTTP Response

Most of the handled requests should contain a status code of 200

A simple solution is to use Resp model in ./core/model/ to generate response body for your handlers

  "success": bool,
  "message": str,
  "code": IntEnum,
  "data": Any,

Use Resp.ok to generate success response and use Resp.err to generate error response



The test handler ./app/handler/ contains ws handler examples

To know more about it, see websocket documentation


Run ./misc/build/ to pack the project into ./misc/build/start-fastapi.tar.gz

See ./misc/build/Dockerfile for an example of docker deployment