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=== UWO People ===
Contributors: rickyk, mschuett, cjmaio, jacobsr, streich, tedmond, fairweat, kerkhofj
Tags: Staff, People, Directory, Staff Directory
Requires at least: 3.5.1
Tested up to: 3.9.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: MIT
License URI:

Max 150 char short description.

== Description ==
No limit

== Installation ==
1. Install UWO People either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
2. Activate the plugin on your site or on the network.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Q: Can I hook into your plugin?
A: Current hooks that we have added
   uwopeople-edit-button-title // Change output of edit.php Load ODS Button.
   uwopeople-ods-url // Change the url that is being used to populate user information.
   uwopeople-ods-script // Change the script that is being used to populate the ods information.
   uwopeople-style // Change out the default style sheet being used by the plugin.
   uwopeople-ajax-override // Replace the entire function being used to grab data with your own custom one.
Q: Can i overwrite the default style of this plugin?
A: Yes you are recommended to do this using CSS so you will receive all updates that new versions may bring. However you do have the option to completely override the template files by placing a views/uwopeople-single.php or views/uwopeople-archive.php in your theme folder. You can copy the default views rendered from the views folder to make your life easier.

== Screenshots ==
1. placeholder

== Changelog ==
Change log location

== Upgrade Notice ==
Notice of upgrade


No description, website, or topics provided.






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