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Web application skeleton that uses the Slim4 Framework, PHP-DI, Nyholm PSR7 and Twig.


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A full blown modular webapp skeleton built around

This skeleton application was built for Composer.


Quickstart with Docker

Fastest way to start glued is using a docker. There is no prebuilt image (yet), but you can easily use our example docker-compose.yml to get yourself a running instance in a seconds (you need to have Docker and docker-compose installed):

git clone && cd glued-skeleton
docker-compose up --build

Glued is now running on localhost:8080

Note: Due to #88), Glued may fail to start on first attempt. Second and consecutive attempt should be fine.

Manual instalation

From github (on apache or nginx)

  • Run git clone in /var/www/html
  • Point your virtual host document root to /var/www/html/glued-skeleton/public
  • Run composer update
  • Update your webserver configuration (see Configuring the webserver)

With composer

  • Run composer create-project vaizard/glued-skeleton [my-app-name]
  • Point your virtual host document root to your new application's public/ directory.
  • Ensure public/cache/ and private/cache/* is web writable.
  • Update your webserver configuration (see Configuring the webserver)

Configuring the webserver

  • Running Glued on Apache requires mod_rewrite and takes advantage of mod_deflate, mod_headers and mod_expires (see the public/.htaccess file).
  • Running Glued on nginx requires the .htaccess converted into their respective server conf.

That's it! Now go build something cool.

Microservices (modules)


The glue that keeps stuff together in Glued. To all microservices, core provides:

  • user management
    • authentication (sessions, jwt)
    • authorization (RBAC + attributes)
  • content-addressable file storage (CAS)
  • internationalization
  • assets management and caching
  • (some of the) security (see


Glued's default cache headers (see /public/.htaccess) allow short term assets caching. Please understand that performance gains based on caching always comes at the cost of security. Sensitive data, i.e. pdf files, or private photos will get cached (depending on configuration locally by the user's browser or on public proxies). While html caching is disabled out of the box, if you want full security, completely disable caching (no-cache on everything). For the above mentioned security considerations, when sessions are on, php sets Pragma: no-cache by default on the generated output. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing.


A microservice to crawl websites, track changes and archive and search content.

Install requirements:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget
sudo npm install --global --unsafe-perm puppeteer
sudo chmod -R o+rx /usr/lib/node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium


Frontend vs. Backend

The backend is purely API based. Developing the backend requires to use the Core\Classes\JsonResponse\JsonResponseBuilder class. The class features methods such as

  • build() - to be called last, returns the json response
  • withCode($code) - adds a response code item to the json response
  • withValidationError($array) - adds data validation errors
  • withValidationReseed($array) - adds the submitted data
  • withData($array, $code = 200) - adds response data
  • HATEOAS functions such as withPagination(), withEmbeds(), or withLinks()
  • and others.

The frontend is built around

  • php-based twig templating that
    • act as page scaffolding
    • perform some auth related changes to rendered pages
    • ensure i18n/l10n
  • js-based twig templating (via twig.js), which
    • renders forms to perform post/put/patch/delete requests
    • re-renders the forms on errors (adds validation errors and data reseed)
    • renders data (received as json from the API)
  • simple js renderer/ajax xhr requestor

NOTE: Browsers support only GET/POST methods, but the backend api uses the the whole package (GET/POST/DELETE/PATCH/PUT). To circumvent this limitation, forms are submitted either with the X-Http-Method-Override header or the _method hidden input field. The MethodOverrideMiddleware then takes care of modifying the request before Slim's router decides what to do with the request. To set the headers, use something like

    headers: {
        "X-Http-Method-Override": "PUT"

(see docs for @claviska/jquery-ajax-submit for details).



Glued relies heavily on features available in MySQL 8. Adding Support for any other database software (or older MySQL versions) is likely to be quite painful. The main concepts of SQL development in glued are the following:

  • combine traditional relational SQL with JSON documents, take advantage of virtual columns (generated from the JSON docs)
  • use the utf8mb4 encoding by default
  • use foreign keys and constrains where needed (if you need to scale, just split off the most used tables into a different database and reimplement constrainst application side - its not that much work to do)
  • use to handle MySQL safely (prototyping with rawQuery() is ok, but make sure to rewrite using the class methods to ensure an equal level of security across the codebase)


Glued comes with phinx-migrations, which generates automatically database migration files. What this means is, that if you add a table, drop a column or do anything else to the structure of your database, a migration file will be generated to just automatically upgrade everyone's databases as well. Just run

./vendor/bin/phinx-migrations generate -e production --name initial --overwrite


Assets are managed (kept in an up-to-date state) by the composer foxy/foxy package. This package uses yarn (and a package.json) file to grab all that css and javascript for you and build it. Furthermore, odan/twig-assets will cache minified and joined versions of assets to give you a hassle free assets experience.

WARNING: Node packages are a hell. Some users report an installation failure. If this applies to you, just re-run composer install.

Internationalization (i18n) / Translations

Always use translation functions when generating output. In php use the preconfigured symfony/translation package (Core\Includes\translation.php included via composer everywhere) with echo __('Hello world'); In twig templates use the preconfigured odan/twig-translation, which uses the symfony/translation package to extend the twig templating engine with {{ __('Hello world') }}.

Updating translations

  • Run apt install poedit or equivalent on your distro
  • Start Poedit and
    • either open the file ./private/locale/*.po (or equivalent to $settings['locale']['path'])
    • or click "New" to add a new po file to ./private/locale
  • Open menu: Catalog > Properties > Source Path
  • Add source path: ./private/cache/twig (or equivalent to $settings['twig']['cache']) - yep, translations are generated from cache files (possibly to get the php code equivalent)
  • Open tab: Sources keywords, Add keyword: __, Click 'Ok' to store the settings
  • Click button 'Update form source' to extract the template strings.
  • Translate the text and save the file.
  • Run php glued/Core/Bin/parse-twig.php

Updating the translations code

Integrating odan/twig-translation was not trivial. This section intends to document the setup to save feature developers some frustration when code updates are needed. Translations code appears in:

  • glued/Core/Bin/parse-twig.php
  • glued/Core/Middleware/LocaleSessionMiddleware.php
  • glued/Core/Middleware/TranslatorMiddleware.php
  • glued/Core/middleware.php
  • glued/Core/settings.php
  • glued/Core/container.php
  • glued/Core/bin/Includes/translation.php (included via a composer.json entry)

Credit for the initial translation implementation goes to

Validation & exceptions and error handling

Used technology

  • Respect\Validation class, extended via Core\Classes\Validation class and ValidationFormsMiddleware which simplify handling validation failures of posted form data
  • Slim\Flash to render feedback on actions
  • Json data validation on API routes
  • Choice between the Whoops and Error middlewares to display errors (hint: use whoops for development, error for production)

Practical usage

  • Distinguish between infrastructure specific exceptions (e.g. HttpNotFoundException, HttpBadRequestException) and domain specific exceptions (e.g. DomainException, UnexpectedValueException, ValidationException, etc…).
  • Use domain specific exception in classes (where glued handles the data internally only), rethrow the domain specific exceptions as infrastructure specific exceptions in controllers (set the return code depending on context, emit a friendlier/more readable error message). See how Glued\Core\Controllers\AccountsController::read() rethrows exceptions comming from Glued\Core\Classes\Auth\Auth::user_read().
  • Using infrastructure specific exceptions in classes is unwanted, since throwing them requires the Request passed as a parameter (i.e. throw new HttpNotFoundException($this->request, 'User not found');).
  • Perform validation in classes. Optionally you can also validate in controllers, if it's usefull (i.e. see Glued\Core\Controllers\AccountsController::signup_post() where the $this->validator uses the container-residing Core\Classes\Validation helper that re-fills the signup form and explains which data is invalid)
  • Don't forget to do i18n via. the __() function available both in glued's php sources and in its twig templates on error messages.


  • In classes throwing exceptions is limited to cases which require a total execution stop (i.e. security concerns). I.e. in the core/classes/auth/auth.php class, exceptions are thrown only on invalid data in the response() function. Since the data fed to this function should be always valid (passed from the session data which the user cannot tamper with), getting invalid data here would indicate a serious problem. Other functions in this class don't throw exceptions and just return i.e. an empty result set.


Remember that var_dump($some_variable); die(); is your best friend. Also use the Whoops error middleware (see settings.php)

Api example

EMAIL="[email protected]"
PASS="[email protected]"
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' ${HOST}/api/core/v1/auth/whoami -w "%{http_code}\n" -k --output -
curl -XPOST ${HOST}/api/core/v1/auth/signin -d "email=${EMAIL}&password=${PASS}" -k -w "%{http_code}\n"
TOKEN=`curl -s -XPOST ${HOST}/api/core/v1/auth/signin -d "email=${EMAIL}&password=${PASS}" -k | jq -r .token`
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${HOST}/api/core/v1/auth/whoami -k
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${HOST}/api/core/v1/profiles -k --output -

Specific tasks:

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -F 'actual_dir=worklog/1' -F 'file[]=@./file1.txt' -F 'file[]=@./file2.txt' ... ${HOST}/api/stor/v1/upload

Global variables and passing around data

To pass around data between middlewares and the app, or the app and the twig views, uses:

$request->getAttribute() to pass the

  • auth_jwt
  • locale

keys, $this->view->getEnvironment()->addGlobal() to add the

  • authn
  • authz
  • validation_errors
  • validation_reseed
  • csp_nonce
  • flash

keys, and the $GLOBALS to have

  • _JWT
  • _GLUED
    • authn
    • authz

keys accessible easily everywhere.

Developer tutorials

Glued comes with two modules aimed at getting you up to speed quickly. The tutorial microservice serves as an introduction to the Slim4 framework.

The skeleton module is a copy&paste&edit skeleton, which includes everything needed to write a proper microservice:

  • setup (database migrations, folders, etc.)
  • a json schema (form generation, data validation, combined document/sql storage)
  • an authenticated REST api (list, get, set)
  • a generated browser interface (list, get, set)


Web application skeleton that uses the Slim4 Framework, PHP-DI, Nyholm PSR7 and Twig.








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