This demo is based on quickstart archetype project and the aim is to explain how to reproduce a small demo on each of the two build workflos available for now in Fuse Integration Services:
- Build the image outside Openshift then push it
- Push the code then let Openshift build the image Fuse Integration Services is a collection of tools shipped by Red Hat to develop and run JBoss Fuse application on Openshift.
To be able to demo the 2 scenarios an Openshift environment is needed, one of the easies way to achive that is by using a virtual machine provisioned via vagrant; there are many option to do so and many kind of images (demobuilder, fabric8v2 etc.) here are some caveats for the CDK environment by Red Hat:
- Be sure to install virtualbox and vagrantand be able to run vagrant without root access (if on linux)
- Download virtualbox vm image and cdkv2 from
- Unzip
and go tocdk/components/rhel/rhel-ose
- Modify
file replacingOPTINS
variable with:OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --tlscacert=/etc/docker/ca.pem --tlscert=/etc/docker/server-cert.pem --tlskey=/etc/docker/server-key.pem --tlsverify --storage-opt dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true'
- Set memory and cpu to something reasonable for your hardware a minimum would be
v.memory = 4096
andv.cpus = 2
- Configure landrush plugin for DNS:
config.landrush.enabled = true
,config.landrush.tld = 'cdk.vm'
, 'cdk.vm', "#{PUBLIC_ADDRESS}"
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-registration vagrant-service-manager landrush
- vagrant box add --name cdkv2 path/to/
- Configure dnsmasq:
- Be sure to turn off libvirt and kill dnsmasq
- configure dnsmasd by creating ``/etc/dnsmasq.d/vagrant-landrush
with this content
server=/.vm/` - change your
to contain as first linenameserver
- more info and full explanation here:
- vagrant up (fill in the required username and password with a valid RH account)
To run command as system:admin in cdk once you have sshed in to it with
vagrant ssh
you can dosudo oc get nodes --config=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/openshift-master.kubeconfig
To showcase this scenario you can follow these steps:
- Get an example project by cloning this one
git clone
or by using a maven artifactmvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
- log in to Openshift cluster from your machine
oc login test-admin
- create a new project (namespace),
oc new-project buildpush
- import s2i images in the project:
oc create -n buildpush -f
- build the code, build doker image put it in Openshift docker registry, generate
Openshift configuration files, push (apply) them to Openshift:mvn -Pf8-local-deploy
Be sure to have these repo configured in your maven
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
To showcase this scenario you can follow these steps:
- log in to Openshift cluster from your machine
oc login test-admin
- create a new project (namespace),
oc new-project pushbuild
- import s2i images in the project:
oc create -n pushbuild -f
- import this example application template in the project:
oc create -n pushbuild -f
- use the just created template to instantiate an application pointing it to the git sourcecode repo
Now Openshift should grab the code for you, build the docker image containing your code and spin the application up.