🎨 Some ASCII Art 🖌️:
The "Internet" consists of many computers, all over the world,
connected to each other:
___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _
[(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=|
'-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_|
/mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ / /mmm/ /
| | |
___ \_ ___ \_ ___ \_
[(_)] |=| [(_)] |=| [(_)] |=|
'-` |_| '-` |_| '-` |_|
/mmm/ /mmm/ /mmm/
These computers can then be used to communicate with each other in many different ways.
Three of the most common ones are "The Web", "Email" and "Discussion groups"
(also called "Newsgroups").
📜 Some interesting references for this README.md
- Visitors Badge by visitorbadge.io
- Matrix image GIF by giphy.com
- GitHub Streaks by DenverCoder1
- Contribution Graph by Ashutosh00710
- GitHub Trophies by ryo-ma
- Shields and icons I got from maurodesouza readme-generator
- GitHub Stats and Top Languages by anuraghazra
- GitHub Summary Cards by vn7n24fzkq
- ASCII Art from ascii.co.uk/art