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Generic application for an IOT device based on ESP32 controller


The purpose of this application is to provide a small framework to implement different IOT controller devices.
The application provided here run on Esspressif ESP32 module and the development environment is using ESP-IDF
It is built in Eclipse CDT 2022-09 with ESP-IDF plug-in, based on esp-idf-v4.4.3
The fwk itself is putting together several modules provided in esp-idf (there are plenty of them) and adapted them to my purpose.
All these modules are part of the esp32_common repository.
Beside the fwk you need to implement control logic for specific sensors, or actuators, or... you need to monitor and control.

To control the application you need a MQTT boroker (in my case Mosquitto)
The fwk connects to the broker and subcribes to predefined topics:

  • [...]/ctrl -- any message recieved on this topic goes to cmds modules
  • [...]/cmd -- any message received on this topic goes to the control logic
  • [network name]/query -- used by external clients to identify which IOT devices are alive in the network

In response to a received message send a response by publishing the result on
  • [...]/state - for messages received on [...]/cmd
  • [network name]/response - for messages received on [network name]/query
  • [...]/monitor topic is used by the control logic in case it has to publish unsolicited (URC) device events

[network name] is a generic name for IOT network hosting the devices
[...] is the name of each individual dvice. IT HAS TO BE UNIQUE in the network!