image-dir is a Viam modular service that provides camera capabilities, based on sequential images captured in directories.
The model this module makes available is viam-labs:camera:image-dir
One or more readable directories containing images in jpg|png|gif format. Within a directory, it is expected that images be specifically named in the format integer.ext starting with 0.jpg (or other accepted extension), increasing numerically.
For example:
The image-dir resource implements the rdk camera API, specifically get_image() and do_command().
On each get_image() call, the next image will be returned sequentially (based on integer filename). If it is the first get_image() call for that directory since the component was initialized, the first image returned will be the one with the oldest timestamp - after which point images will be returned sequentially by index. After the last image is returned, the next get_image() call will return the image at the 0 index (start at the beginning sequentially).
The following can be passed via the get_image() extra parameter:
The directory from which to read images, within root_dir.
The file extension to use when attempting to read the next image. If not specified, will default to 'jpg'. Accepted values are jpg|jpeg|png|gif.
If specified, return the image with this index (if it exists). Index is a proxy for the base filename - for example if index is 10 and ext is jpg, 10.jpg will be returned if it exists. Passing index will also reset the incremental index for dir.
If specified, index will be reset at the beginning, which is the image with the oldest timestamp in the dir - not always the 0 index.
If specified, move index by index_jog and return the image at that index. Negative integers are accepted.
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix","index":0}) # returns /tmp/pix/0.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix"}) # returns /tmp/pix/1.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix"}) # returns /tmp/pix/2.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix"}) # returns /tmp/pix/3.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix", "index_jog": -1}) # returns /tmp/pix/2.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix","index":1}) # returns /tmp/pix/1.jpg
camera.get_image(extra={"dir":"pix"}) # returns /tmp/pix/2.jpg
do_command allows dir, index, index_reset, index_jog and ext to be set via a 'set' command.
camera.do_command({'set': {'index': 10}})
Example attribute configuration:
"dir": "images",
"root_dir": "/tmp"
If specified, specified will set default dir on get_image() calls. If not specified, each get_image() call requires dir to be passed via extra (which is likely the most typical usage)
If specified, specified dir on get_image() calls must exist within this location. If not specified, will default to /tmp
If specified will look for images with the specified extension. Valid values are 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif' (default is 'jpg')