This project is part of Odin Project JavaScript path Weather App Assignment. This is how I solve this assignment.
[x] Set up a blank HTML document with the appropriate links to your JavaScript and CSS files.
[x] Write the functions that hit the API. You’re going to want functions that can take a location and return the weather data for that location. For now, just console.log() the information.
[x] Write the functions that process the JSON data you’re getting from the API and return an object with only the data you require for your app.
[x] Set up a simple form that will let users input their location and will fetch the weather info (still just console.log() it).
[x] Display the information on your webpage!
[x] Add any styling you like!
[x] Optional: add a ‘loading’ component that displays from the time the form is submitted until the information comes back from the API