- The program expects some video stream, after which the script analyzes the frame and determines whether a person is on the frame or not
- If a person has been detected, the program sends a signal to the Arduino Uno platform to go into human standby mode
- As soon as the person is close enough, the Arduino switches to temperature measurement mode
- After measuring the temperature, the result is displayed on the screen
- Then the detection will start again
- Arduino Uno plarftorm kit
- Two colored light bulbs
- Ultrasonic distance meter HC-SR04
- Infrared temperature meter GY-906
- PC
- A camera that can be connected to a PC
- Python 3.8
- Arduino IDE
- Install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install 'i2cmaster.h' and 'NewPing.h' for programming Arduino Uno
- Connect Arduino and Camera to PC
- Start script 'gui.py'
- Press button 'Start'
- Observe the result
Video link: https://youtu.be/jkmvaj2FUCw