Defining the boundaries of a snow-covered road
For properly work you need to have python 3.7.* only and to install dependencies from requiriments.txt.
For installing you can use simple pip command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project is developing to solve the problem of recognizing a snow-covered road. The program is waiting for .mp4 files on input and give .mp4 files on output with colorized clusters now. Now three stages have been implemented:
- Detecting pixel by Sobel Operator
- Calculating Gradient's angle
- Clusterization pixels by angle
The project also includes:
- Creating summary frame by bufferization frames with boundary pixels.
- Optimization by Numba Python compiler.
- Creating frame's stats for analyzing optimal threshold.
- Calculation proposed road boundaries.
- Caching road boundaries.
- More optimization for real time.