Python modules that extracts features from text documents for machine learning. Initially this is mostly for Finnish but may also work for other languages supported by Voikko.
- The modules should have similar interface as those in sklearn.feature_extraction.text so that they can be used as drop in replacements when processing text in languages that are better supported by Voikko.
- The modules may depend on sklearn when they extend its functionality but they must also be usable with other machine learning libraries.
- Allow experiments and temporary workarounds for things that cannot be fixed in libvoikko due to API compatibility requirements.
- For example case sensitive analyzer
- Easy to use API for developers and data scientist who do not know (and do not want to learn) all the options libvoikko provides to tweak the analyzer.
- Provide working example code for those who want to do similar things (machine learning from Finnish text) in other programming languages.
- Stable releases and stable API (for now). Basic functionality needs to be tested in real world first.
- Issues that can be fixed at their root (in libvoikko or voikko-fi) should be fixed there instead of working them around here.
- libvoikko 4.3 or later
pip3 install scikit-learn
On Debian based systems including Ubuntu you can use the following commands to install development snapshot of latest libvoikko:
$ mkdir /tmp/voikko
$ cd /tmp/voikko
$ git clone
$ debian-packages/tools/makevoikkodeb libvoikko
[The script will complain if some required dependencies are missing.
If that happens install the required packages and try the command again.]
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
The same procedure can be used for voikko-fi (just replace libvoikko with voikko-fi above).
Both libvoikko and voikko-fi are carefully developed and master branch is throughly tested so using it should work fine for development work. The makevoikkodeb script also allows you to specify a release tag or commit id in case you want to build a specific version instead of latest master.
Using Homebrew
brew install libvoikko
pip3 install libvoikko
you can install both libvoikko and Finnish dictionary (voikko-fi). Nothing else is needed.
Find the latest version of libvoikko-1.dll (32 or 64 bit according to your Python interpreter version) from and copy it somewhere in your $PATH.
Then pip3 install libvoikko
In case you run into errors there are more detailed instructions here: