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Project for the course of Combinatorial Decision Making and Optimization - Module 1

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This repository contains the code for the Combinatorial Optimization and Decision Making - Module 1 exam for the Artificial Intelligence master course @UniBo. The project was developed by Federico Cichetti ([email protected]).

The problem description can be found in CDMO_Project_2021.pdf.

Structure of the project

For this project we implemented 5 models: 2 for constraint programming (normal and rotation), 2 for SAT (normal and rotation) and 1 for SMT (normal).

SAT and SMT solutions were modelled using the Z3 solver from Microsoft Research (in particular, its Python interface), while the CP solution was built using the MiniZinc constraint modelling language.

The models are grouped by category: the CP models can be found in the CP directory, the SAT models are in the SAT directory and the SMT model is in the SMT directory. Each directory has an out folder containing logs of the results of our experiments, and a src folder containing the source code. The src folders also contain README files with instructions for reproducing our experiments.

The reports for the project can be found in each group's folder: CP Report, SAT Report, SMT Report.

The full structure tree is shown below:

|-CP                                // Implementation of the CP model
    |--- datafiles                      // Instances translated to .dzn files for MiniZinc
        |--- ins-1.dzn
        |--- ...
    |--- out                            // Solutions and logs provided by the CP model
        |--- log.txt                        // Logs for the model that does not allow rotation
        |--- log_rot.txt                    // Logs for the model that allows rotation
        |--- out-1.txt                      // Solution of the first instance blocking rotations
        |--- out-rot-1.txt                  // Solution of the first instance allowing rotations
        |--- ...
    |--- src                            // Source code for the CP model
        |--- solvers                        // Contains the used solver configurations
            |--- gecode_42_5min.mpc
        |--- cdmo1-project-cp.mzp           // The MiniZinc project for the CP model
        |---                 // Python launcher for the CP model
        |---                 // Utility script to create .dzn files out of .txt files
        |--- VLSI-model.mzn                 // The MiniZinc model implementation (no rotations)
        |--- VLSI-model-rotation.mzn        // The MiniZinc model implementation (allowing rotations)
    |--- Report_CP.pdf                  // CP model report
|- SAT                              // Implementation of the SAT model
    |--- out                            // Solutions and logs provided by the SAT model
    |--- src                            // Source code for the SAT model
        |---                // Launcher for solving instances using the SAT model
        |---                    // SAT model definition
        |---           // SAT model + rotation definition
    |--- Report_SAT.pdf                 // SAT model report
|- SMT                              // Implementation of the SMT model
    |--- out                            // Solutions and logs provided by the SMT model
    |--- src
        |---                // Launcher for solving instances using the SMT model
        |---                    // SMT model definition
    |--- Report_SMT.pdf                 // The report for the SMT model
|- instances                        // The provided instances of the problem (1 to 40)
    |--- ins-1.txt
    |--- ...
|- utils                            // General utility functions
    |---            // Code for constructing the initial solution
    |---                     // Class that represents an instance of the problem
    |---                    // Class that represents the solution to a problem
    |---         // Utility functions to visualize a solution
    |---              // Log writer
    |---              // General utilities for the launchers
    |---                //     General utilities and constraints for Z3
|- CDMO_Project_2021.pdf            // The provided project description
|-                        // This file
|- requirements.txt                 // The pip packages that are required for the code execution


Here, we provide an overview of the results we obtained with our different models. In general, we managed to solve over 30 instances within the 5 minutes mark with all models. Allowing rotations requires a longer search, therefore we can observe a gap in the number of solved instances.

Model Solved Instances Average time for solved solutions
CP 31 8.21 s
CP (rot.) 20 16.13 s
SAT 35 7.40 s
SAT (rot.) 21 29.31 s
SMT 33 48.14 s

The results for each model are detailed at the end of the corresponding reports.


The SAT model is an implementation of the paper "A SAT-based Method for Solving the Two-dimensional Strip Packing Problem" by Soh et al, although we added some of our own original ideas and designed the rotation extension.


Project for the course of Combinatorial Decision Making and Optimization - Module 1






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